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extract files from VDK

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:16 pm
by sardine
I have 2 devices for my Dragon 64 but with a couple of issues.

CocoSDC updated with the excellent DOSPlus50 Extender V0.25.05 (firmware 116). Brilliant.
for some reason i cant open DSK images (the October 2017 SDC updater from Darren Atkinson is a .dsk and it wont open) says IV error when trying a dir.
it happens with every DSK I have tried. I can open the .DSK file in Xoar ok. but would love to know how the extract the files to a folder or convert to VDK (I tried DSK2VDK, same IV error)
cocoSDC opens VDK files no issues at all, gets a list of the SD card directory no issues and works brilliantly.

DragonMMC another excellent device I got mainly for the CAS support and save state, (save state is the main reason being able to put a game down for later).
wont open VDK files but opens DSK files no issues.. bah!!!

now the VDK files on the cocosdc I have are perfect, 18 VDK files of every game I ever had for my Dragon 32 back in 1980's every single one loads no issues. now all I would like is to be able to open the VDK files on my DragonMMC.
DragonMMC although brilliant is a bit long winded opening disk images as I think its main focus is CAS and save states. also DSK images are 1 game per image. where the VDK files I have contain over 30 games per VDK.

I was hoping some Guru here knows how to extract the .Bas and .Bin files from a VDK image and place them in A-Z folders on an SD card and run them directly from there.


Re: extract files from VDK

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:28 pm
by pser1
sardine wrote:I have 2 devices for my Dragon 64 but with a couple of issues.
CocoSDC updated with the excellent DOSPlus50 Extender V0.25.05 (firmware 116). Brilliant.
for some reason i cant open DSK images (the October 2017 SDC updater from Darren Atkinson is a .dsk and it wont open) says IV error when trying a dir.
it happens with every DSK I have tried. I can open the .DSK file in Xoar ok. but would love to know how the extract the files to a folder or convert to VDK (I tried DSK2VDK, same IV error)
cocoSDC opens VDK files no issues at all, gets a list of the SD card directory no issues and works brilliantly.
pleased you like my DosPlus5.0 extender. It will open VDK files with headers from 0 to 256 (thanks to last fw mod by Darren Atkinson)
The .DSK files must be worked carefully!
Dragon users have ONLY VDK files that are compatible with the great emulator XRoar, the CoCo-SDC, the MMC and Drivewire, corresponding
to the normal Dragon disks, say 180-360-720k upon the kind of support you defined.
On the other hand, TANDY developped a RSDOS *not* compatible with DragonDOS that uses smaller files. ".DSK" files use to be 160K instead of 184k
The IV error points to a not compatible format. The program has not find the Directory at the expected sector and has given that error.
Could you upload here the .DSK that gives that error, so that we could have a peek at it?
Thanks in advance

Re: extract files from VDK

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:37 pm
by pser1
sardine wrote: DragonMMC another excellent device I got mainly for the CAS support and save state, (save state is the main reason being able to put a game down for later).
wont open VDK files but opens DSK files no issues.. bah!!!
I have that nice add-on too and I can open VDK files without problems!
Again I would ask you to upload here an example of a file that is not "understood" by the MMC.
now the VDK files on the cocosdc I have are perfect, 18 VDK files of every game I ever had for my Dragon 32 back in 1980's every single one loads no issues. now all I would like is to be able to open the VDK files on my DragonMMC.
DragonMMC although brilliant is a bit long winded opening disk images as I think its main focus is CAS and save states. also DSK images are 1 game per image. where the VDK files I have contain over 30 games per VDK.
I am using the very same card on my CoCo-SDC and on my MMC without issues, so this might be a case of different format ...
Don't know if you are member of the Dragon Facebook group, but there you will find a big recopilation of VDK files (made by Chris Poacher)
Anyway, please, upload here a sample of a file that doesn't work on both systems and I will try to find out the reason why it fails

Re: extract files from VDK

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:24 am
by sardine

thanks for the fast reply.

yes your excellent DosPlus5.0 extender made the cocosdc useful for my Dragon 32.

you are correct, I cannot open .DSK files on the Cocosdc as it is indeed 160k not 184k. a good example is the official firmware update from Darren
at this will not mount on a CocoSDC to allow me to update the firmware to latest, but this is not needed ?? as your DosPlus5.0 is working perfectly on 184k .DSK files and the VDK files I have (just missing that save state feature :D )

My DragonMMC will open "CSPACE.VDK" (180 KB (184,347 bytes)) and many others I have tried from dragonarchive download at the same size but not the compilation VDK's I have. (that do open on the CocoSDC no issues)
"1.vdk" (I have 18 full of games) is 720 KB (737,292 bytes) and gives me "IV error" on DragonMMC

please can you help as I want to use my DragonMMC for the save state feature, being a busy DAD I can't commit hours on a game that doesn't even have a pause or save feature :D


can you point me to " Dragon Facebook group, but there you will find a big recopilation of VDK files (made by Chris Poacher)"

Re: extract files from VDK

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:35 am
by sixxie
In case this is the source of confusion:

CoCoSDC will happily provide access to ".dsk" files on a Dragon, but if the data on them is in RSDOS (CoCo Disk Extended BASIC) format, then DragonDOS will not understand them. This includes Darren A's update images - you need a CoCo to use those.

The two disk systems use incompatible on-disk logical formats, even if the physical formats are identical (and yes, "?IV ERROR" is the message you'll see in DragonDOS when trying to access an RSDOS disk).

Re: extract files from VDK

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:29 pm
by pser1
sardine wrote:Hi,
thanks for the fast reply.
yes your excellent DosPlus5.0 extender made the cocosdc useful for my Dragon 32.
you are correct, I cannot open .DSK files on the Cocosdc as it is indeed 160k not 184k. a good example is the official firmware update from Darren
at this will not mount on a CocoSDC to allow me to update the firmware to latest, but this is not needed ?? as your DosPlus5.0 is working perfectly on 184k .DSK files and the VDK files I have (just missing that save state feature :D )
The last firmware from Darren Atkinson can be applied only on 64k machines because it *needs* to switch to MAP1 (all RAM mode)
In fact Darren has only created the CoCo Version. If I remember correct, the most important feature added is the capability to read data right from the
card without using the DOS. It is used by music-video players like the ones programmed by Ed Snider (aka zippster)
If you really *want* to update to that version you will need a CoCo machine 64k
My DragonMMC will open "CSPACE.VDK" (180 KB (184,347 bytes)) and many others I have tried from dragonarchive download at the same size but not the compilation VDK's I have. (that do open on the CocoSDC no issues)
"1.vdk" (I have 18 full of games) is 720 KB (737,292 bytes) and gives me "IV error" on DragonMMC
please can you help as I want to use my DragonMMC for the save state feature, being a busy DAD I can't commit hours on a game that doesn't even have a pause or save feature :D
You are right. The DOS included in the MMC doesn't support 720k disks (the version on my MMC returns IV ERROR too!)
I think that the best would be telling Phill that problem on the thread devoted to the MMC
can you point me to " Dragon Facebook group, but there you will find a big recopilation of VDK files (made by Chris Poacher)"
This is the link to the group
But I am pretty sure that being the collection far too big, Chris shared a link to a momentary downloadable place that is not 'on-line' right now.
I attach here a zip with the version I downloaded some time ago ... hope it is of use for you
VDK Collection (Chris Poacher).ZIP
(23.37 MiB) Downloaded 262 times

Re: extract files from VDK

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:53 pm
by pser1
Just added a message to the MMC thread so that Phill knows the problem.


Re: extract files from VDK

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:49 pm
by sardine
Thankyou for your help.

If phill adds 720k VDK support that would be great.


Re: extract files from VDK

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 4:03 pm
by pser1
sardine wrote:Thankyou for your help.
If phill adds 720k VDK support that would be great.
unfortunately 360k are not supported by now ...
If you really need the contents of these 720k, you can use the CoCo-SDC to copy the files of each disc into 4 different 180k discs.
To create a std VDK file, the best is to issue this command (on DosPlus5.0 extended)
It will be auto-formatted at the creating time, so no need to DSKINIT it.
I am sure you have already downloaded it, but I am attaching here a zip file containing all of the commands accepted by the DosPlus5.0 extended