The Cambridge Dragon Meetup - June 3rd

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The Cambridge Dragon Meetup - June 3rd

Post by tjewell »

Hi all,

Those of you that follow the Dragon Facebook group will have seen my innocent post asking if anyone local fancies a coffee, and how it transformed into a plan for a meetup for users of Dragons (and other 6809 based machines) at Cambridge's Centre for Computing History.

We've got access to their 'classroom' (a space with desks) on Saturday 3rd June, and the backing and support of the Museum. I imagine it'll run most of the day, and costs will just be the museum's normal admission charge.

This is an opportunity to show what a thriving community we still are, after all these years - as well as show off some rare artifacts from the past.

From the past we should have Richard Harding's Dragon Professional, plus a number of other bits (my expansion cage, a rare Dragon branded modem cart) - anything else would be much appreciated. I've also got a Fujitsu FM-7, a Thomson TO-7 and a Coco 3 to demonstrate other 6809 systems.

From more modern projects, we should have:

My 576K Dragon running Fuzix (using Tormod's Spinx512 card)
A CocoSDC based system with Pere's DOS and the SDCX shell
Tormod's Drivewire USB box
Phill (Prime)'s MMC demo
A 'Draco' (a machine that's switchable between being a Dragon and a Coco)

On the software side, I can show off:

Pere and co's Hobbit port
Bosco's Flagon Bird
Pere/Stew/Me's work on the Orch90 cart (and if anyone can help me get it working with my Orch90 cart and bring a Multi-pak, I'd love to see it working with hardware for the first time).

I'm absolutely sure I've forgotten some projects, both hardware and software (please forgive me!), so please make suggestions, send me software, get in touch.

If you can come, please let me know, so I can get an idea for numbers. If you want to bring hardware, again, let me know so I can tell the museum how much space we'd like.

I hope to meet many of you for the first time in June!

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Re: The Cambridge Dragon Meetup - June 3rd

Post by sorchard »

Coffee you say? Count me in :)

I'd love to attend, that's too good a chance to miss!

Just need to confirm nothing else is planned that day. My wife has usually filled up the calendar by the time I've got the lid off the pen...
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Re: The Cambridge Dragon Meetup - June 3rd

Post by sixxie »

Cambridge is sufficiently far from the middle of nowhere that I should be able to make that...

Though I might have to seek out nearby alehouses in place of coffee ;)
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Re: The Cambridge Dragon Meetup - June 3rd

Post by sorchard »

I can confirm I'm allowed to play :D
sixxie wrote:Though I might have to seek out nearby alehouses
Cool. That means I get to buy you that drink. The World (of Dragon) owes you a few, so there's little danger of dying of thirst ;)

Did you have any luck getting the Race expander working with Orch90? Might be able to hack something on the day.
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Re: The Cambridge Dragon Meetup - June 3rd

Post by DocFeelbad »

Hi Tony,

I can confirm that I will be coming up from Essex with a buddy who will be coming all the way from the Portsmouth area!!! :)

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Re: The Cambridge Dragon Meetup - June 3rd

Post by Bosco »

Sounds like fun Tony. :D

Please add me to the list of attendees.

I can bring a bin/wav of my current game project if people are interested?
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Re: The Cambridge Dragon Meetup - June 3rd

Post by sixxie »

Bosco wrote: I can bring a bin/wav of my current game project if people are interested?
I think you can safely assume we're interested! :)
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Re: The Cambridge Dragon Meetup - June 3rd

Post by Bosco »

LOL. That's a done deal then. :)
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Re: The Cambridge Dragon Meetup - June 3rd

Post by robcfg »

I'd love to go!

I'll look for a flight to Cambridge but I'll have to stay one night there.

My idea would be to fly to Cambridge on friday evening and gp back to Spain on saturday evening.

If anyone has any suggestion, I'll be glad to hear it!

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Re: The Cambridge Dragon Meetup - June 3rd

Post by sorchard »

robcfg wrote: My idea would be to fly to Cambridge on friday evening and gp back to Spain on saturday evening.
Rob, you're awesome!!

It might be worth having a look at London Stansted. It's one hour away from Cambridge and hopefully will give you many more flight options at lower cost.
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