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CoCo emulation

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:53 pm
by rolfmichelsen

I have a really embarrassing question... I'm trying to set up xroar 0.25.3 to emulate a CoCo for some testing purposes. I have downloaded and renamed roms from the forum and tried running xroar in many different ways, including something like this:

Code: Select all

xroar -machine coco -bas bas11.rom -extbas extbas10.rom -cart rsdos
All I get is the screen below:
capture_08112011_214724.png (7.43 KiB) Viewed 2852 times
Any clues are most welcome.

-- Rolf

Re: CoCo emulation

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:00 am
by Alastair
For the most part I just put the ROMs in the expected place, run XRoar, and use Ctrl+M to change the emulated computer and Ctrl+E, Ctrl+Shift+R to unplug/plug-in the disc ROM, rather than use a command line.

From the command line example I see that you are trying to load both bas11.rom and extbas10.rom, you don't need both, if you want to use Extended BASIC then extbas10.rom (or extbas11.rom) is all that you need. Turning to the disc ROM, XRoar expects the ROM to be called disk10.rom or disc11.rom, try renaming rsdos to either of these names to see if it will work. Finally, .rom is not the only extension that XRoar can use, if any ROM is still causing you trouble try changing the extension to .dgn.

Re: CoCo emulation

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:11 pm
by rolfmichelsen
Thanks, Alastair. Still haven't been able to get it to work, though. Now, bas10.rom is the only ROM file I have in my xroar directory and I start xroar without parameters. The stderr.txt file tells me that xroar starts in CoCo mode and loads the bas10.rom image. Same result as before... I will investigate some more...

-- Rolf

Re: CoCo emulation

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:04 pm
by Alastair
I can't get the ROM from "Color Basic v1.0 (1980)(Tandy).zip" to work either, no matter what I rename it. However the ROMs from "Color Basic v1.1 (1980)(Tandy).zip" (renamed bas11.rom), "Color Basic v1.2 (1982)(Tandy).zip" (renamed bas12.rom), and "Color Basic v1.3 (1982)(Tandy).zip" (you've guessed it, renamed bas13.rom) all work. I note that the ROMs that work are all 8 kiB in size whilst the v1.0 ROM image is 16 kiB.

Nor have I had any luck with the ROMs from "Extended Color Basic v1.0 (1981)(Tandy).zip", "Extended Color Basic v1.1 (1982)(Tandy).zip", or "Disk Extended Color Basic v1.0 (1981)(Tandy).zip".

The ROM from "Disk Extended Color Basic v1.1 (1982) (26-3022) (Tandy).zip" (renamed disk11.rom) works.

I do have working ROMs for Extended Color Basic v1.1 and Disk Extended Color Basic v1.0, and you can find them in the attachment as extbas11.dgn and disk10.rom respectively.

Re: CoCo emulation

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:17 pm
by rolfmichelsen
Magnificent! Thanks for your help, Alastair. I now have working CoCo emulation 8-)

-- Rolf