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Emulating a Coco 2 with Disks in Xroar

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:14 am
by tjewell
Hi all, quick question - what do I need to emulate a typical Coco2+disk setup with Xroar? I'm not sure which of the ROMs to download. Thanks!

Re: Emulating a Coco 2 with Disks in Xroar

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:07 am
by sixxie
You'll need Color BASIC (bas1x.rom) - and there's probably some minimum version of that you need to work with - Extended Color BASIC (extbas10.rom or extbas11.rom), then the DOS is Disk Extended Color BASIC (disk10.rom or disk11.rom).

Re: Emulating a Coco 2 with Disks in Xroar

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:44 am
by pser1
Hi Tony,
I am using this .bat file to start XRoar emulating a CoCo2 with drives and modified Orchestra

Code: Select all

xroar -machine cocous -bas bas14.rom -extbas extbas11.rom -machine-cart mpi -mpi-load-cart 3=rsdos -mpi-load-cart 0=or90S1T0 -mpi-slot 3 -force-crc-match -tape-fast -joy-left 0,0:1:0 -kbd-translate -lp-file ..\XRoar\sortida.txt 
You see I use the ROM we just compiled to work with the DAC keeping the CoCo keyboard.

When it starts, you will see the DOS message. At this point you must enter this command:
POKE&HFF7F,&H33 so that the drives get activated
You can now load a disk in any drive and when you are done, just enter:
POKE&HFF7F,0 ... this should start Orchestra, but if it doesn't just press Reset (Ctrl+R) and it will
Then you can load .CAS scores and save them to disk
