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Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:43 pm
by tjewell
I was thinking about this project today - and how much I'd still love one! Anyone know how far it got? Phil, wasn't it your baby?

Re: Dragon-MMC

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:12 pm
by jedie
you mean: ... y-Smith%29 ?

Now we have DWLOAD... That's more flexible, isn't it?

Re: Dragon-MMC

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:01 pm
by tjewell
Maybe! I'm currently using a Dragon Dos controller with an HxC floppy emulator, and that works just fine for disk images. What I liked about this product was that I could use .cas images and rom images too, without having to convert them for use on disk. Now, I'll admit I haven't played with drivewire yet (I like the standalone nature of my HxC solution - or Dragon MMC), but if it can do the same I'll certainly look into it!

Re: Dragon-MMC

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:39 pm
by tormod
You can use DWLOAD in combination with Pere's "LROM" dweeb to load cartridge ROM files into RAM. Of course, this requires a Dragon 64 (or a Dragon 32 with RAM extension).

The uDW is a standalone DriveWire solution and as I have hinted about the firmware can be enhanced to replay CAS files, if that would be a popular feature... For now I have provided a separate, simple CAS to DECB converter.

The Dragon-MMC uses the cartridge port so it might run at higher transfer speed, but for normal loading of programs DriveWire seems fast enough (at standard speed 57600 baud pretty much as fast as floppy). The uDW also leaves the cartridge port free for other things.

Anyway it would be nice to know more about the Dragon-MMC. More alternatives and ideas are always fun.

Re: Dragon-MMC

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:34 pm
by tjewell
Thanks Tormod!

I doubt that me asking for the CAS feature on uDW would be enough to make you consider it 'popular', but that would be a neat feature. In the meantime, maybe it's time for me to take the plunge into drivewire. I like your uDW, as that's standalone. My Dragon is a proud beast, and there's something about it requiring a permanent connection to a modern PC that doesn't quite feel right to me!

Re: Dragon-MMC

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:51 am
by tormod
Thinking about it, loading a CAS file can also be a nice application for a dweeb. See one result here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4968&p=13706#p13706

Converting CAS to sound on a uDW might work better for "difficult" CAS files, but the dweeb approach has the advantage of fast loading speed.

Re: Dragon-MMC

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:33 am
by tjewell
Tormod, that's wonderful, thank you! I have a Sharp MZ80K with a broken keyboard that needs fixing, but once that's done, it's back to the world of Dragons and time to get drivewire running!

Re: Dragon-MMC

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:32 pm
by admin
I'll reach out to Phill and see if he can pop back on here and maybe open source his schematics and code - or move forwards with the project..

Re: Dragon-MMC

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:29 pm
by robcfg
That would be very nice, thank you!

Re: Dragon-MMC

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:45 am
by prime
Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been round here much lately......

Anyway, here's the files for DragonMMC as far as it got.
Dragon MMC project files.
(1.95 MiB) Downloaded 254 times
Included is :

Eagle board layouts (probably need Eagle V6.x or V7.x).
Source project for the CPLD on the board, needs Xilinx Webpack 14.x.
AVR GCC (WinAVR), soucrces for the AVR microcontroller, these should be pretty portable, and where initially ported from SirMorris' AtoMMC sources for the PIC.
6809 Source for the Dragon ROM, these should be assembled with Mamou from the CoCo Toolshed project.

If someone does take the project further, one thing that they will need to do is to change the CPLD on the board as the XC9572 series of devices are no longer available, neither are PLCC packaged Xilinx devices. My suggestion would be to use either an XC9572XL-VQ100 or a XC95144XL-VQ100, as this would allow the use of the the same Verilog code for the new device. Also the code in the AVR is setup to be able to re-program the CPLD from a file on the MMC.

