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Stuff found

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:37 am
by paul
I've just been rummaging in one of my junk boxes from my university days and I've found some bits which seem Dragon/Coco related.

One is an uncased Cumana "Dragon 64 FDC" board. Are there images of this up here? I couldn't find them. I'll upload photos of this board if they're needed.

I suspect the other three may be Coco boards. The odd thing is that I don't remember getting them - that's old age for you...
(One is a cased Coco Disk Drive FD-500, the other two are bare boards, I think one is a Coco1/2/3 mainboard and the other is a sound/speech geneator cartridge)

I suspect you don't want images/details of the Tandy stuff, so I'm off to find a Coco forum.

Re: Stuff found

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:08 am
by robcfg
Hi Paul!

Definitely pictures of the Cumana FDC are most welcome, I guess it will contain a rom too, a dump of the rom would be nice to be able to emulate it.

I can guide you on how to dump it and save it to a wav file that I can process to extract the rom code. Alternatively, you can send me the FDC so I can do proper scans and dump of the rom.

I'd appreciate if you could take pictures of the sound/speech generator, as it may be Dragon compatible.

Thank you very much!

Re: Stuff found

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:57 am
by robcfg
Ok, I created the page for the Cumana controller with the edited pictures, and added links to the datasheets of the components.

I also added a link to the DragonDOS 4.0 rom, but it would be nice to get a dump of your chip and compare them.


Re: Stuff found

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:04 pm
by paul
I'd love to get a dump of the ROM - but I haven't actually got a Dragon yet, and I suspect I need one to do it your way :-)

When one arrives (I've bought a D32 on eBay and a D64 from the US) I'll try to get a dump out for you.

The ROM label is hand written, but it doesn't look like my handwriting, so I guess I got it like that - but whether that was how Cumana shipped it is a different question... I'm fairly sure I originally got a DragonDOS cartridge, so I guess this Cumana one appeared late in my Dragon days, so it could well have been 'tweaked' (we Dragon users were good at that), and since it's socketed that's possible.

I'll take some pics of the speech/sound card as well. It has an SPO256A-AL2 speech chip, AY-3-8913 sound generator and a 2kB RAM (for buffering?) and a ROM (8kB I think) as well as discrete logic and a couple of 14 pin ICs I don't recognise

(Oh, I think the mainboard I've got is a 64kB Coco2, but it's a variant I can't find mentioned anywhere on the Internet (possibly a late PAL variant)... I don't know why I've got it - maybe for spares (it's got a socketed 74LS785). I may have a go at resurrecting it.)

Re: Stuff found

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:39 pm
by paul
It looks like the speech/sound card I have is this one ... (26-3144A)

Re: Stuff found

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:12 pm
by paul
I've just uploaded a dump of the ROM from the disk controller to the upload section

Re: Stuff found

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:18 pm
by prime
The CoCo Speech / Sound is compatible with the Dragon i have one and have used it on my Dragon.

Has an SP0256, a PIC doing text->alophone translation and then feeding the results to the SPO256. Also has an AY-3-8912 3 channel sound chip on there too.



Re: Stuff found

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:44 pm
by tjewell
Hi! I too can confirm that the 26-3144 speech/sound cartridge works, because I just heard mine speak for the first time about 10 minutes ago - such fun!

Does anyone know which games on this list have Dragon versions *and* are still compatible with the cartridge? I've been told Module Man works, and I have a copy I shall try very soon. Does anyone know about the others? Happy to start investigating, but if someone knows already, that will save me a job!

The list is at the end of this page: ... 6-3144A%29

Re: Stuff found

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:16 am
by drmarkb
According to Microdeal's UK release inlays, both Space Wreck and Module Man work with the SSC. Sadly I missed out on one of these on ebay a year ago, so cannot confirm.