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DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:59 am
by jedie
I think it's better to collect all programms/sourcecode about DWLOAD/DWEEB into one repository. Think it's more handy and better than to spray all stuff in the forum or put it in the archive.

So i started to collect all here:

Currently it's more copy&paste from posts into README an add the files into the repro from:
* viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4964
* viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4968

For this repro i created a new github opensource organization:
I will add everyone who would like to contribute to this organization. Especially i hope that tormod and pser1 will join ;)

For everyone that are not familiar with git/github, can also profit. Just download all files with:

If this is not welcome, I can delete the project.

EDIT: I don't know if this the best arrangement. Maybe it's more usefull to put all binary deweebs into one directory and create a directory for the sources?!?
So it's easy to copy&paste the files into the DriveWire4 server folder?
EDIT2: this: ... t?expand=1

EDIT3: I didn't add the game collection from viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4964#p12029 because of copyright issuse?!?
Maybe the archive is a good place for this?!?

Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:23 am
by jedie
@tormod: Where can i find the sources of the example DWEEB like SAVE, RESAVE ?

EDIT: Ah, tormod posted them here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4964&start=10#p12057
But it contains only: date.asm, dosn.asm and save.asm
EDIT2: Add them with: ... e3c97427c6

Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:37 pm
by tormod
Hi Jedie,

Thanks for your efforts to put together information and links. It is great to see that you like DWLOAD and is willing to contribute to the project and help others getting started.

As I have said before I would like to set up a repository for the dweebs code. Some of it is also in a git repo already, and I would maybe prefer to publish my repo which documents my work on it rather than a cold dump of binaries and a code snapshot. For now I don't think it is a great disadvantage that people have to read through the forum posts to get acquainted with this. If you had read the forum posts you wouldn't have to ask so many questions here and on the coco list ;)

Also, the ones writing and posting the code on the forum are in control and can update posts and attachments as they see fit.

I would be more careful about redistributing code. Some of example files I only handed out here in the forum, as a way to test DWLOAD, and I have no intention of being a second provider for these programs. For instance Simon doesn't want wide distribution of his demo files, so I can delete that one and almost no harm done. What you put on a site like github on the other hand is a much more "public" distribution and you have no control what github does with it. Things you delete in such a repository doesn't go away and is only a "snapshot" click away. I personally wouldn't post ROMs on github either.

In particular, please don't redistribute the collection of DECB games. They were a quick hack of automatic conversion, and are not of archive-quality and again I don't want to be a second provider of it. It is merely meant to demonstrate DWLOAD, and be deleted afterwards. If you have written a game (or any other program) you don't want to see people redistribute broken copies of it, or even copies at all.

Note I am not talking about what being legal or not, just fairness and respect. On the legal side, your redistribution of my conv-tools are in breach of the GPL software license. I won't sue you though :)

I can't talk for others, but maybe Pere also would like to stay in control of his dweebs as long as he is busy working on them. It is hard to give support and help on your own programs if people use different versions from different sources. I also notice the github page is not so clear on proper author attribution, which is very important in voluntary projects where people give of their free time.

I am not saying all you did is wrong, but maybe you are rushing things a bit. Most of us aren't working full time on this, although that would have been fun for a while at least :)

Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:39 pm
by tormod
BTW, RESAVE is built from the SAVE source, just comment out one "inc ,x" which turns CREATE into MOUNT :)

Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:56 pm
by simon

the *ONLY* demo file i'm *funny* about is the latest 1bit tune, I ask ppl not to use it for thier own stuff as it was specially cooked for my demo... otherwise NO WORRIES.....

as soon as the whole demo goes public, then use what you want from it...

/Simon :-)

Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:54 pm
by tormod
simon, you wrote it, so you can be as "funny" as you want about it :)

You mean the STUDD, right? I will remove it from the demo collection until you have published it "properly".

Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:48 am
by jedie
tormod wrote:In particular, please don't redistribute the collection of DECB games.
I havn't include these files, see EDIT in first post ;)
tormod wrote:lso, the ones writing and posting the code on the forum are in control and can update posts and attachments as they see fit.

I would be more careful about redistributing code. Some of example files I only handed out here in the forum, as a way to test DWLOAD, and I have no intention of being a second provider for these programs. For instance Simon doesn't want wide distribution of his demo files, so I can delete that one and almost no harm done. What you put on a site like github on the other hand is a much more "public" distribution and you have no control what github does with it. Things you delete in such a repository doesn't go away and is only a "snapshot" click away. I personally wouldn't post ROMs on github either.
IMHO it's equal if files are made public on the forum or on the github... If a file distribute in the internet, then its there and out of control...
tormod wrote:Note I am not talking about what being legal or not, just fairness and respect. On the legal side, your redistribution of my conv-tools are in breach of the GPL software license. I won't sue you though :)
The repro is unter GPL v3, see:

I hope that it is clear, that's not about to do so, that all work is from me.
I think it's easier to start if there is a single point of all information/files.
It's complicated to find all needed files and all needed information in the forum.

So, what should i do?
It's no problem to delete the repository completly or remove some files.
It's no problem to transfer the github reprository ownership.

It's no problem to add more copyright information.
I have add the Simon is missing there? No problem, i can add him.
Btw. it's a good idea to add author/copyright informatin into every source code file. But if i do this and your post a updated version in the forum, than its out of sync.

IMHO it would be best, that all authors would be part of the github organization and work on the git repro!

Currently there are many places, where stuff around Dragon/CoCo is. e.g. the places of Tormod are:
* ... untu/m6809

Then there is stuff like:

Maybe its also a good idea to rename the "DWLOAD" organization to something more generic. So it's a good place for all projects around Dragon/CoCo...
From me, it may be somewhere else. e.g.: or or or?

My proposal: Move all code as sub projects in and collect all information into our wiki at:

Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:10 pm
by simon

don't worry about STUDD....

it's not a "standalone" demo, but part of a bigger picture so to speak.... (all will be revealed in due time)

and like Jedie rightly stated, if I didn't want it *out there* then i shouldn't have posted it.....

/Simon :-)

Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:55 pm
by tormod
jedie wrote:
tormod wrote:lso, the ones writing and posting the code on the forum are in control and can update posts and attachments as they see fit.

I would be more careful about redistributing code. Some of example files I only handed out here in the forum, as a way to test DWLOAD, and I have no intention of being a second provider for these programs. For instance Simon doesn't want wide distribution of his demo files, so I can delete that one and almost no harm done. What you put on a site like github on the other hand is a much more "public" distribution and you have no control what github does with it. Things you delete in such a repository doesn't go away and is only a "snapshot" click away. I personally wouldn't post ROMs on github either.
IMHO it's equal if files are made public on the forum or on the github... If a file distribute in the internet, then its there and out of control...
I do not agree to that. Only for nude pictures :) Maybe in principle but not in practice. It is different when you can just delete it and you know pretty much it only has been on one server, run by one in "the family". People have been sharing stuff here on the forum for ages long before github and will continue long after github is dead.

I think it is great that you share your own stuff on github. But not that you share other people's stuff without asking.

Personally I don't like github that much. Last time I checked they are a proprietary service running on proprietary software, they are "too big to fail", and they will probably be bought up by some bigger company soon who is going to "enhance" it.
tormod wrote:Note I am not talking about what being legal or not, just fairness and respect. On the legal side, your redistribution of my conv-tools are in breach of the GPL software license. I won't sue you though :)
The repro is unter GPL v3, see:
Please note that everything posted on internet is not automatically GPL licensed :) You can take public domain stuff and use it in your own software which you then are free to license as you want. On the other hand it is not good tone to just relicence other people's work without consulting them.
I hope that it is clear, that's not about to do so, that all work is from me.
I think it's easier to start if there is a single point of all information/files.
It's complicated to find all needed files and all needed information in the forum.
I agree a single point of information is nice. What has worked well for us is the wiki.
So, what should i do?
It's no problem to delete the repository completly or remove some files.
It's no problem to transfer the github reprository ownership.

It's no problem to add more copyright information.
I have add the Simon is missing there? No problem, i can add him.
Btw. it's a good idea to add author/copyright informatin into every source code file. But if i do this and your post a updated version in the forum, than its out of sync.

IMHO it would be best, that all authors would be part of the github organization and work on the git repro!
For now I would prefer that you remove the code from github. Maybe it is a great idea to have it there, but I will let the code authors decide this themselves and put it there if they want. Give us a chance to think about it.

Some of the copyright or licensing is a bit unclear and in a gray zone. We have lived with that before and we don't need to change that immediately. The community interaction is built on good faith and courtesy. We don't have to play devil's advocate and licensing trolls. See how things work and use Fingerspitzengefühl.
Currently there are many places, where stuff around Dragon/CoCo is. e.g. the places of Tormod are:
* ... untu/m6809
I don't see anything wrong in this being in different places. It is like using the best tool for the job in question.
Well, these are all your repos :)
Maybe its also a good idea to rename the "DWLOAD" organization to something more generic. So it's a good place for all projects around Dragon/CoCo...
From me, it may be somewhere else. e.g.: or or or?

My proposal: Move all code as sub projects in and collect all information into our wiki at:
It looks like you have good intentions and good visions for organizing the information. But you have to get people to want to take part of it. And you must build up trust. Some CoCo/Dragon projects and communities have been going for decades and will probably go for decades longer.

I don't think anyone who is going to contribute technically is going to have any problem finding the code in the forum or different sites. What all these projects could need is better user documentation - so if anyone wants to help out that's where help will be very welcome.

Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:53 pm
by Alastair
Why not have a page on the Wiki containing links to all of the relevant sites? That way you will have all of the information on one page whilst the programmers can keep whatever control that they want of their work.