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New CoCoDskUtil

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 6:19 am
by luis46coco
Hello Friends Mi name is luis Fernandez
I am Spanish and I live in Venezuela, do not speak well in English using google translator
My native language is Spanish

I build throughout a utility earlier this year and would like to share with you face is in beta, so care

is a viewer for virtual disks, dsk, and VDK

Going to have many ways to comvertir between the two machines (coconut and dragon)

is for windows

See it in my small new blog:

CoCoDskUtil called but I'll have to rename
still do not see OS9 or NITROS9

Re: New CoCoDskUtil

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:58 am
by sixxie
I gave it a go under Wine. Installs ok, but running the exe just gives "Run-time error '0'". The screenshots make it look pretty useful though.

Edit: hexedit.exe runs ok, but I already have native hex editors :)

Re: New CoCoDskUtil

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:17 pm
by robcfg
Hi Luis!

I tried to run your program and I get the same error as sixxie ("Runtime Error 0").

I think is a missing VisualBasic component that we don't have installed in our computers. Which version of Visual Basic did you use for creating your program? I'll try to download the runtime environment of the same version and see if it works then.

Un saludo!

Re: New CoCoDskUtil

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:18 pm
by rolfmichelsen
Running under real Windows gives a somewhat more meaningful error message. Looks like the control "vbalSGrid6.ocx" is used but not installed with the application.

If you need code for reading OS-9 disks, I have something that I can share. I also have code supporting both reading and writing of DragonDos disks.

-- Rolf

Re: New CoCoDskUtil

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:44 am
by robcfg
I've done so many tests that I couldn't say now which is the path to success, but try the following:

- Install the CocoDskUtil_V1 application.
- Install the NEW CocoDskUtil application without uninstalling the previous one. (I installed them in different directories. It seems that the older app registers the components and then the new one can be run).

Hope this helps!