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JMESS: MESS emulator in JavaScript...

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:20 am
by jedie
The Internet Archive will include JSMESS, a port of the MESS emulator in Javascript, read: ... r-browser/

Here a demo page:

Tano Dragon is here: ... e=tanodr64

Currently they listed this games:

Code: Select all

"3D Lunattack (1984)(Hewson Consultants).pak",
"Airball (1987)(Microdeal).pak",
"Balldozer (1988)(Kouga).pak",
"Bonka (1983)(J. Morrison Micros).pak",
"Bubble Buster (1984)(Pocket Money Software).pak",
"Chuckie Egg (1983)(A&F Software).pak",
"Doodle Bug (1985)(Microdeal).pak",
"Escape v1.0 (1982)(Microdeal).pak",
"Fruity Machine, The (1983)(Impsoft).pak",
"Grand Prix (1983)(Salamander Software).pak",
"Hunchback (1983)(Ocean).pak",
"Invader Cube - 3D OXO (1983)(Oasis).pak",
"Jet Set Willy (1985)(Software Projects).pak",
"Keys of the Wizard v1.2 (1983)(Microdeal).pak",
"Lost in Space v1.1 (1983)(Salamander Software).pak",
"Manic Miner (1984)(Software Projects).pak",
"Nerble Force (1985)(Microdeal).pak",
"Ossie (198x)(Peaksoft).pak",
"Pinball (1982)(Microdeal).pak",
"Quest, The (1983)(Impact).pak",
"Rommel's Revenge (1984)(Design Design).pak",
"Rotabb (1989)(Kouga).pak",
"Screaming Ab-Dabs, The (1984)(A&F Software).pak",
"Shanghai (1991)(Burgin, Paul).pak",
"Shock Trooper (1984)(Microdeal).pak",
"Skramble (1983)(Microdeal).pak",
"Tetras (1990)(Burgin, Paul).pak",
"Ultrapede (1983)(Rainbow).pak",
"Vulcanox (1983)(Salamander Software).pak",
"Wizard's Lair (1985)(Blaby Computer Games).pak",
"Yumping Yosser (198x)(Knight Software).pak",
"Zaxxon (1983)(Datasoft).pak",
(from )

But it doesn't work for me... Seems that some files missing on the server...

The source code is here:

Re: JMESS: MESS emulator in JavaScript...

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:33 pm
by Sarah
If you try the Tandy Coco 2 link it seems to work: ... dule=coco2