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Help with game title

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:05 am
by Shugwan
Hi Folks,

I'm posting in the hope that someone with a better memory than me can help out.

I remember playing a strategy game on the Dragon 32 that involved playing as one of the Greek states (possibly Sparta?). There was some basic resource management (weapons and food I think) and a simple map to move armies around on.

Can anyone shed any light on the name of this early strategy masterpiece? It has been bugging me for the last 20 years........

Thanks in advance,


Re: Help with game title

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:46 pm
by Alastair
I cannot be sure of this but if it is a Lothlorien game then "Tyrant Of Athens" seems the most likely title.

Re: Help with game title

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:27 am
by munkeyboy
Lothlorien was my first thought, but another option could be "The fall of Rome" by ASP.

Re: Help with game title

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:16 am
by Shugwan
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the responses.

I managed to find an Spectrum emulator for 'Tyrant of Athens' but whilst the general gameplay seems to fit with my memories there was no map involved - not sure if this may have been different on the DRAGON version though. I'm sure I remember stick men and boats moving around on a map of the Greek states.....

I also checked out a Fall of Rome BBC Micro game and it was definitely not this one.

So somewhat inconclusive but thanks for your suggestions anyway!

Re: Help with game title

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:49 pm
by Alastair
Shugwan wrote:I managed to find an Spectrum emulator for 'Tyrant of Athens' but whilst the general gameplay seems to fit with my memories there was no map involved - not sure if this may have been different on the DRAGON version though. I'm sure I remember stick men and boats moving around on a map of the Greek states.....
The Dragon version of "Tyrant of Athens" is available from the download archive.