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Skramble versions

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:50 pm
by robcfg
Hi everyone!

I was creating a cas file from my Skramble tape and noticed a funny thing. The version in the archive (the one marked as underdumped), has the old text-mode loading screen from Microdeal, and is (c)1983, but my version, despite the tape being (c) 1983, has the new graphical Cuthbert loading screen and is (c) 1984.

The game seems to have no difference.

I'll put the link to both versions later today along with the scans in the wiki page.

Another funny thing is that the name of the game is spelled "Skramble" on the inlay and the tape, but when the game is loaded on the computer, it is spelled "Scramble".

Does anybody have the 1983 version and could do a wav dump just to have both versions correctly dumped? Is the casette inlay the same?

And, have anyone encountered a similar situation with other games?

Re: Skramble versions

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:06 pm
by admin
Not seen this exact example before - but Microdeal did have 3 loading screens they used and I guess this one got re-mastered at some point. Never seen a different inlay for it though.

Re: Skramble versions

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:50 pm
by Alastair
robcfg wrote:Another funny thing is that the name of the game is spelled "Skramble" on the inlay and the tape, but when the game is loaded on the computer, it is spelled "Scramble".
The CoCo version also displays "Scramble" on the title screen. L. Curtis Boyle suggests that the game may be hacked, but I don't see it myself. The game contains no protection scheme so why hack it?