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.CAS to .WAV conversion

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:32 pm
by shicky256
I'm thinking of picking up a Dragon from California Digital, but first wanted to know if there was any way I could reliably convert .CAS files to .WAV. That way, I could record some games to tape and play them on the Dragon. However, I've heard this process was kind of difficult. If there is no way, could someone point me in the direction of a substantial Dragon collection with .WAV files? The only two places I've found are here and Dragon 32 Universe, which mostly only have CAS files. Also, can I use TRS-80 CAS to WAV converters, or do I have to use the Dragon ones? Thank you in advance to whoever answers this prospective Dragon Owner's questions. P.S. I can't buy games from eBay, as I live in the US and don't want to deal with 35 pound games plus shipping.

EDIT: Could I use this?

Re: .CAS to .WAV conversion

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:18 pm
by Alastair
It's usually wave file to .CAS conversion that is difficult, not the other way around, and for the Dragon programs that are problematical (due to copy protection or other schemes) this site probably has a wave file of the program in the downloads section or the forum uploads section - if not, just ask.

As for which tools to use, under MS Windows some of the programs you can use are XRoar, DCWin (which also requires .NET), and cas2wav. XRoar and cas2wav are also available on other platforms, and let's not forget the venerable DC for DOS.

Re: .CAS to .WAV conversion

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:57 am
by linville
You might also consider the cecb tool from the Toolshed package.

Those tools are oriented towards the CoCo, but the cassette images I've produced with it also load on my Tano Dragon.

Re: .CAS to .WAV conversion

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:39 pm
by Dantyr
There is also "CasUtils" an online converter to the Coco that was made by Robson França.

Need to be tested for Dragon CAS files..
