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Spanish compilations

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:03 am
by robcfg
Hi folks!

In a spanish forum, someone is uploading scans of some Dragon software, and I'm not sure it's preserved or if it's already here in the archive.

In case we need to dump that software, I can try to talk the user and see if we can arrange a meeting.

Here's one of the images:

Have a nice day!

Re: Spanish compilations

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:57 pm
by admin
Please talk to them.... we only have a couple of spanish titles....

Re: Spanish compilations

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:03 am
by robcfg
Good news!

I managed to create .cas images of the files on the first tape and I'll be getting the wav files for the rest of the tapes.

I was thinking that it may be nice to have a wiki page for the magazine and put there links to the tape covers and tape contents.

What do you think?

I attached the zipped cas files for your enjoyment ;)

Re: Spanish compilations

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:48 am
by admin
Excellent - and feel free to add the wiki page in the Magazines section...

Re: Spanish compilations

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:23 pm
by robcfg
Hi, Simon!

I'm trying to upload the zip file with the tape contens for Issue one of the Dragon Software magazine, and I'm being told that I cannot upload .zip files although the permitted file types list includes .zip...
Permitted file types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, pdf, cas, rom, dgn, wav, zip, vdk, dsk, flv.
My idea is to link them in the magazine's own page and also from the downloads section.

Could you please take a look?

In case it's not possible for me to upload such zip files, I can upload them in the "spanish compilations" thread as attachments so you can put them in the right place later on, but that would make uploadina and editing the page incredibly slow.

Re: Spanish compilations

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:38 pm
by admin
Sorry - but for security reasons ZIP is not allowed on the Wiki (and I haven't found out how to easily change this)

If you want to e-mail them to me, or upload them to the thread I'll get them into the downloads area quickly.....

Re: Spanish compilations

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:26 am
by robcfg
Ok then, if you can upload the zip file I attached earlier in this thread, I could start figuring how to better organize the page and as soon as I receive more wav dumps and pictures I'll be updating the page.

I'll attach here the zipped cas files for each issue and I will update the page once they can be accessed within the wiki.

Re: Spanish compilations

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:02 am
by prime
admin wrote:Sorry - but for security reasons ZIP is not allowed on the Wiki (and I haven't found out how to easily change this)

If you want to e-mail them to me, or upload them to the thread I'll get them into the downloads area quickly.....
This page ... le_uploads seems to tell you how to do that.

From a brief scan it looks like you need to remove the zip mime type from $wgMimeTypeBlacklist in one of the config files.



Re: Spanish compilations

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:51 pm
by admin
robcfg wrote:Ok then, if you can upload the zip file I attached earlier in this thread, I could start figuring how to better organize the page and as soon as I receive more wav dumps and pictures I'll be updating the page.

I'll attach here the zipped cas files for each issue and I will update the page once they can be accessed within the wiki.
Uploaded... ... and ...

Re: Spanish compilations

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:23 pm
by robcfg
Hi Simon,

Thanks for uploading the files and renaming them!

How can I link the files in a wiki page? I've tried with the [[Media:]] syntax and it doesn't recognize the files. If I use another file that was uploaded to the wiki, it shows ok in the preview.