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Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:54 am
by snarkhunter
I'm not sure I ever posted this question in the old forum, so here it is... (again?)

Has anyone among you ever suceeded in defeating Darth Vader in this game? This was the only bit that required a joystick and, despite the explanation found here and there (such as "always keep the beams crossed"), I remember never making it to the "next step". This still has me wondering whether or not it was actually possible no to lose to him!

So... does anyone here know for sure?

Re: "Syzygy"

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:10 pm
by sixxie
Definitely possible - I think the key was to keep the lines crossed towards their tip. After a bit of practice it becomes pretty easy.

Re: "Syzygy"

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:02 pm
by snarkhunter
Thank you very much for the tip, Ciaran. I guess it would take sparing some time to play this game again, until I reach the confrontation. Having saved the game just before, of course!

I also seem to remember that failing in every attempt used to be quite irritating at the time...

Re: "Syzygy"

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:21 pm
by sixxie
I *think* you can, once getting the sabre, charge into the dark and practice there, which doesn't take long to get to even if you can't see your opponent. Failing that, one of the "wrong" options on the machine that summons things is Vader.

Can't remember where most of those things are now - used to know the ship like the back of my hand :)