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Dumping disks to VDK and xroar bug

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:17 pm
by rolfmichelsen
I just wrote this program that others might find useful. I wanted to dump all my Dragon diskettes to one of the virtual diskette formats supported by the emulators while my Dragon still runs and the diskettes are still readable. The program reads a Dragon diskette sector by sector and dumps it in the VDK format across the RS-232 interface. The file can then be captured on a PC and used as any other VDK file. The RS-232 is hardcoded to operate at 9600 baud. Source and binaries included.

While fiddling with this, I discovered that MESS and xroar seems to interpret the VDK format differently. MESS seems to require the VDK version number to be 0x10, while xroar is both more forgiving and actually writes VDK disks with the version field set to 0. VDK images produced by this program can be ready both by MESS and xroar.

-- Rolf