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XRoar Graphic output

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:14 pm
by retrofreak90
Sorry, I seem to have nothing but questions...

Anyway, I want to have a blurring effect when running XRoar so the graphics are closer to my childhood memories. I've read the docs but I'm clearly a moron as I can; understand any of it! How do I change settings wih the "SDL interface"? And are the settings saved? Can I also get XRoar to open in full screen?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: XRoar Graphic output

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:31 pm
by sixxie
You can force a slightly blurred OpenGL scaling with "-gl-filter linear" - the large spot size of a CRT isn't simulated directly I'm afraid, so you can only get that with the SDL OpenGL driver. I do aim to add PAL colour bleed at some point, so that things like the blue/red chessboard pattern producing purple look good in emulation.

Settings aren't saved, but you can create an "xroar.conf" file with any default settings you want in it. Just list options you would have specified on the command line in there one per line and omit the leading "-".

The "-fs" option should start it full screen.

Re: XRoar Graphic output

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:38 pm
by retrofreak90
Thanks for the quick reply but I know nothing of Commandline or where and how to input it. TOLD you I was a moron.

Re: XRoar Graphic output

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:32 pm
by Alastair
retrofreak90 wrote:Thanks for the quick reply but I know nothing of Commandline or where and how to input it.
Which OS are you using? Assuming that it is a version of MS Windows then for XP go to ... rtoys.mspx . Download, then install "Open Command Window Here" (CmdHere.exe). Once you have done this navigate to the folder that contains XRoar and right-click on that folder, a context menu will pop up, left-click on "Open Command Window Here" and a command line window will appear - open at the XRoar folder. If it's Vista or Win 7 then you can apparently get the same thing without needing to install anything extra. Instead hold down a Shift key (on the keyboard) and then right-click on the folder, extra menu items will appear one of which will be "Open Command Prompt Here."

Once you have a command line window open at the XRoar folder type xroar followed by the relevant switches. Some examples follow:
xroar -fs
xroar -gl-filter linear
xroar -gl-filter linear -fs

To close a command line window, either close it as you would any other window or type exit.

Re: XRoar Graphic output

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:43 pm
by retrofreak90
MANY thanks, man. I love XRoar, it's easily the best Dragon emulator. But yeah, more user-friendliness would be awesome. Options available via key shortcuts or drop-down menus that auto save to a cfg file would make it pretty damn perfect I reckon.