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XRoar & "Speed Racer" & "Athletyx"

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:35 pm
by retrofreak90
Hi guys

So, I just cannot get either game to work in XRoar. I get a green screen suggesting loading is taking place but it just stays like that indefinitely (and I DO mean indefinitely).

Last year I had probs with "Cuthbert in the Jungle" and some kindly soul converted the archive's wav version to a CAS file and it worked perfectly (never got around to thanking you Alastair, so MANY thanks), so the cas "...Jungle" file in the archive is clearly a bit knackered, maybe it's the same with "Speed Racer" and "Athletyx"? Although I can't find a wav for either of them.

Re: XRoar & "Speed Racer" & "Athletyx"

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:09 pm
by rolfmichelsen
These dumps work great for me.

-- Rolf

Re: XRoar & "Speed Racer" & "Athletyx"

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:12 am
by retrofreak90
Thanks Rolf, but I still can't get them to work (although they DO get further than other files I've tried). Speed Racer gets as far as the loading screen (the drawing of the computer) but goes no further. Athletyx loads and lets me race the first event (100m) then freezes.

I believe an "arrhhgg" is appropriate here.

Re: XRoar & "Speed Racer" & "Athletyx"

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:12 pm
by robcfg
I've tried the images in XRoar 0.23 and I get the same behaviour explained by retrofreak90 in Speed Racer (shows the computer and then does nothing), but in Athletyx, after the player arrive, I just press the joystick button (left ALT) and it goes to the next event.

Re: XRoar & "Speed Racer" & "Athletyx"

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:38 pm
by retrofreak90
robcfg wrote:Athletyx, after the player arrive, I just press the joystick button (left ALT) and it goes to the next event.
Jeez, I can't believe I didn't bloody try that! Sometimes I frighten myself. I can't seem to get my athlete running in anything other than slow motion, though. I've tried speed, rythm...still moves at a snail's pace. I seem to remember experiencing this on my real Dragon as a kid.

So all I gotta do now is find a working "Speed Racer".

Re: XRoar & "Speed Racer" & "Athletyx"

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:45 pm
by robcfg
Hi, glad you could play athletyx at last :mrgreen:

I too cannot make my player run, must be due to the mapping of the joystick to the keys. I think there's a way to modify these values in xroar via command line.

If you find a working copy of speed racer, please upload it here so we can play it! ;)

Re: XRoar & "Speed Racer" & "Athletyx"

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:10 pm
by rolfmichelsen
retrofreak90 wrote:Speed Racer gets as far as the loading screen (the drawing of the computer) but goes no further.
Do you get the title sequence to display on the drawing of the computer? When the title sequence is done, you can select track by moving the joystick and/or pressing the arrow keys. This isn't entirely intuitive in my mind, so maybe that's the problem?

For the record, I'm testing with xroar 0.23 with a D64 ROM + SuperDos E6.

Hope this works :-)

-- Rolf

Re: XRoar & "Speed Racer" & "Athletyx"

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:47 pm
by retrofreak90
rolfmichelsen wrote:This isn't entirely intuitive in my mind...
No KIDDING! But yeah, it worked a treat, so MANY thanks. Maybe these two files should be uploaded to the archive? Oh, and a word to the wise; do not, under ANY circumstances, chose to play the game in "Buff" mode; your eyes will never forgive you.

Re: XRoar & "Speed Racer" & "Athletyx"

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:41 pm
by robcfg

I switched to joystick emulation and got to play Speed Racer.

Thanks for the tip, Rolf!