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Tenuous Link

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:37 pm
by coops
Was earlier trying to get get Fenmars Total Eclipse to work on the XRoar emulator to no avail; when it asks for the universe to be loaded I have no tape to insert.

However, point of the post is the load screen reminds me that Fenmar was based in Erdington in the West Midlands, Orphanage Road to be precise. As luck would have it I have a meeting in that general area next week so I intend to take a minor diversion and find out whats at the address nowadays.

No I'm not just being nosey, thankyou, I thought it would be interesting for all concerned to see what's there now.

Nobody go 'Yell.Com'ing it before I get there.

Re: Tenuous Link

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:56 pm
by zephyr
I have attached a copy of the Total Eclipse default universe tape.

Re: Tenuous Link

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:36 pm
by coops
Now this is either an extremely freaky coincidence or it offers an insight into what happens to early-eighties software developers when the industry implodes.

I passed through Erdington today and, being a bit bored, diverted to 4 Orphanage Road as displayed on the title screen of Fenmars Total Eclipse. At the address now is <drum roll> Eclipse Dry Cleaners!

Its not often I laugh out loud in public when Im on my own but thats what I did.

PS I am not making this up.

PPS Many thanks again Zephyr for the download. I will have a bash at it at some point this week; perhaps it will also sort the stains on my suit collar too.

Re: Tenuous Link

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:01 pm
by Alastair
coops wrote:Was earlier trying to get get Fenmars Total Eclipse to work on the XRoar emulator to no avail; when it asks for the universe to be loaded I have no tape to insert.
Are you using the download from this site? If so then I don't see the problem as this download includes both Universe 1 (TE_UNI1.CAS) and Universe 2 (TE_UNI2.CAS).