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Using a Dragon for the first time in 29 years

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:36 pm
by Gareth_O'Flaherty
The Dragon 32 that I ordered on FleaBay was waiting for me last night when I got home from work, and after everyone was off to bed, I hooked it up to the TV in the living room. When that little 'OK' prompt appeared I was instantly transported back to 1983 in a wave of emotional nostalgia.

I spent the next hour bashing in some BASIC programs and smiling with glee every time I got a "Syntax Error in Line 60" message. :D

I simply love the sound the keyboard on the Dragon makes and how it feels.
Next, I need to get a good data cassette player and start loading and saving from cassettes. Bliss!

My wife thinks I've gone mad, btw. But if this is madness, then count me in!!! :D :D :D

Re: Using a Dragon for the first time in 29 years

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:19 pm
by zephyr
Good to see you are enjoying yourself! :D Emulation is OK, but there's nothing like programming on a real Dragon. I still write most of my programs on the Dragon rather than writing on the PC, and using cross assemblers. I hope you continue to enjoy the Dragon experience for many years to come...


Check the Hints And tips section if you are looking for something interesting to type in and save to tape.


Re: Using a Dragon for the first time in 29 years

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:07 pm
by Garrettimus
Great! Enjoying ourselves with the stuff we love is always priceless! Enjoy!

By the way, my wife hates my collection! :lol: :mrgreen: