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Wanted Quickshot 1 or 2 for Dragon/Co-co

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:29 pm
by heatsink128
Anyone help me out with getting a digital joystick, either quickshots would be cool. I really can't get on with the floppy Dragon analogue ones :(

Re: Wanted Quickshot 1 or 2 for Dragon/Co-co

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 5:44 pm
by jmk
heatsink128 wrote:Anyone help me out with getting a digital joystick, either quickshots would be cool. I really can't get on with the floppy Dragon analogue ones :(
Do Tandy joysticks work with the Dragon? I think they do... If so, there are a number of options, but not always easy to find...

Wico Command Control Adapter - allows standard Atari 9-pin joysticks to be used on a CoCo There is supposed to be a schematic (in an old Rainbow magazine) to make your own adapter, but I haven't found it.

You could also try the various Tandy joysticks:
CoCo Lounge again

The Tandy Deluxe Joystick (white) is clearly a variant on the floppy original, but it does have self-centreing (I've never owned this one). I do own the big grey one on the same page, it is quite nice and self-centres, although it is still an analogue joystick and the buttons are a little bit spongey.

There are also supposed to be Quickshots for the Dragon... in fact... Oh! :shock: (I've not tried buying from there).
Quickshot 1

Re: Wanted Quickshot 1 or 2 for Dragon/Co-co

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:30 am
by prime
I have a couple of the voltmace sticks and they are quite nice also, as they are also self centering.

I believe they where also available for the BBC too.



Re: Wanted Quickshot 1 or 2 for Dragon/Co-co

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:54 pm
by heatsink128
Thanks folks, will probably go for that quickshot.
