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Re: I got a Dragon 32!

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:57 pm
by sorchard
A short while ago I gave Commodore the good news his Dragon is working again :-)

Cheers for the diagnosis. I decided to replace IC42 first as that is in the RAS1 bank (upper 16K) and sure enough that did the trick. It's been running for a couple of hours without problems so hopefully job done.

Re: I got a Dragon 32!

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:32 pm
by Commodore
Thanks Sorchard, and Sixxie, and Rolo, for the offer of the RAM chips.

I am really looking forward to having a fully working Dragon 32.

In Commodore Land we have gadgets like the SD2IEC, which allows an SD card to emulate a Floppy Drive, is there any Dragon equivalent?

For the VIC 20 there is also a thing called a Mega Cart, which is basically all cartridge games and utilities, loads of tape games, and all RAM expansions on one Cartridge. Has anything similar been done for the Dragon?

No problem if not, I actually quite like tape.

Re: I got a Dragon 32!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:52 am
by KenH
Commodore wrote:Thanks Sorchard, and Sixxie, and Rolo, for the offer of the RAM chips.

I am really looking forward to having a fully working Dragon 32.

In Commodore Land we have gadgets like the SD2IEC, which allows an SD card to emulate a Floppy Drive, is there any Dragon equivalent?

No problem if not, I actually quite like tape.
The Dragon SD card storage equivalent is Tormod's uDW Drivewire server coupled with the DWLOAD ROM.

After using uDW & DWLOAD you would never want to go back to tape ;)

Re: I got a Dragon 32!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:12 am
by Alastair
Commodore wrote:Has anything similar been done for the Dragon?
There's been a few projects, just keep your eyes peeled for forum posts.

Re: I got a Dragon 32!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:50 am
by Commodore
OK, thanks everybody for your suggestions, some interesting projects out there.

From having had a quick look, the closest Dragon equivalent to the likes of SD2IEC (for CBM stuff) and divIDE (for Sinclair stuff) seems to be the uDW, so that will probably be the route that I eventually take.

Having seen the projects page that Alastair posted I was wondering if a TRS - 80 power supply unit would work with a Dragon 32. Don't worry, I'm not about to try it! I just wondered because my brother in law also has a TRS - 80 which I tried last weekend, unfortunately without much success. It was in pretty bad condition compared with the Dragon he's given me. The monitor had a damaged power cable and had a powdery discharge coming from the front vent slats. When I powered it up I got a fizzing sound and a smell of burning, so I switched off PDQ. As for the TRS - 80 itself I know it got power because the Red LED came on, but I couldn't try it with it's own monitor for obvious reasons, so I tried my CBM Scart cable on it and was unable to get a signal, but that could be due to different wiring conventions, as it doesn't work with the Dragon either. Anyway the PSU obviously works, but I sent the lot back to him. I'm more interested in the Dragon than the TRS - 80, but if the TRS - 80 can be of any benefit parts wise, then that is worth knowing about. Which was the more powerful machine, Dragon 32 or TRS-80?

Re: I got a Dragon 32!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:10 am
by Alastair
Commodore wrote:I just wondered because my brother in law also has a TRS - 80 which I tried last weekend, unfortunately without much success.
Just for clarification, you are talking about a TRS-80 CoCo and not a model whatever?

Re: I got a Dragon 32!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:45 am
by sixxie
If you have a CoCo and a CoCo SDC, I've been working on patching DOSplus to support it. The bare minimum so far: mount disk image and list mounted images.

Re: I got a Dragon 32!

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 10:39 pm
by Commodore
Alastair wrote:
Commodore wrote:I just wondered because my brother in law also has a TRS - 80 which I tried last weekend, unfortunately without much success.
Just for clarification, you are talking about a TRS-80 CoCo and not a model whatever?

It is the Model 1 so far as I can tell from the Wikipedia article, but certainly not a CoCo. I must admit I didn't realise they were such a large family of machines.
Apologies for any confusion.

Re: I got a Dragon 32!

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 10:40 pm
by Commodore
sixxie wrote:If you have a CoCo and a CoCo SDC, I've been working on patching DOSplus to support it. The bare minimum so far: mount disk image and list mounted images.

Looks cool sixxie. Unfortunately the one I have access to seems to be a TRS-80 Model 1, not a CoCo. My mistake.

Re: I got a Dragon 32!

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:55 am
by Alastair
Commodore wrote:Apologies for any confusion.
There's no need for you to apologise. The one who should be apologising is the person who decided to market the CoCo as a TRS-80 despite the CoCo having a 6809 CPU rather than the z80 found in the other machines.