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Re: An Hello, and a message about a new Dragon game (2010).

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:02 pm
by aseeker
Hi there, names steve and Im just posting a short update for the game.

As Simon told you in the last post, a demo of the game will be made available to you all soon. We have had a bit of a problem with the coding of some of the package, but a demo is still on the cards within the next 2 weeks.

We have been adding several functions to the creator for you all to mess about with, such as the ability to load in scanned pictures or other artwork and convert them to Dragon b&w or colour screens automatically ( for example, heres a picture of an amiga sprite converted using the dragon built in sprite scanning routine....)

So work is going on, and we've not forgotten you all.

I will post the demo as soon as its finished, and will keep you updated.


Re: An Hello, and a message about a new Dragon game (2010).

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:59 pm
by daftspaniel
Looks good Steve :D

Re: An Hello, and a message about a new Dragon game (2010).

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:14 pm
by aseeker
Hi again folks.

Ok an update for you all.

First off a BIG sorry for not posting to you before now. This job was given to me by Simon, but there has been a department shuffle and because of workloads almost tripling as we got some new jobs in under contract from other company’s, I forgot to give you weekly updates. So, here is what you SHOULD have had if I had not put it off until “tomorrow”!

Update for designer and game:

The game designer is now at 60% finished. We have been busy coding the enhancements and menu driven modules to the designer, and we have tried to keep it within the bounds of a Dragon 64. We have tried to stick to the original development objectives, however we did have a major problem with one part of it, the 8 colours routine. This is a bit of a sticking point at the moment, but we are confident we will be able to achieve it for you all. We also had to cut back on the amount of pictures you can use within the program, especially the animated sprites area, so now you can only have 20 animations per sprite instead of 50, and the size of sprite is down from the maximum of 320X256 to 160X128. This may be changed again by working out the byte ranges of storing the graphics in the Pmodes on the Dragon 64, but we will let you know on this.

The work is still going on with the game which showcases what you can do with the designer, but you will be happy to know that it is over 80% complete, minus anything not implemented on the game designer, and within the next few days (target date of the 17th of June) we will be in a position to put out a playable single level of the game for you all.
I think you will be pleasantly pleased with it, and we welcome any feedback you may have over the game.

Thanks for reading.
