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Re: XRoar, GDB

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:20 pm
by sixxie
Ok, new snapshot, some initialisations fixed. This might just have been the problem...

Edit: ok hold on, this hangs quitting under wine now ;)

Edit: ok worked around that one!

Edit: embarassing error fixed...

Re: XRoar, GDB

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:42 am
by pser1
Hi Ciaran,
sorry, I had not seen it before!
I just downloaded the new version.
Will make some tests when I have the time.
I will tell you the results ...

Thanks a lot!

Re: XRoar, GDB

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:04 am
by sixxie
No rush. I made a release anyway as I figured if that didn't fix it, I was going to be banging my head against it for a while yet, and seemed a good idea to get the (small number of) new features out there.

Re: XRoar, GDB

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 5:54 pm
by pser1
Hi Ciaran,
I am testing with snapshot 33347 and can confirm that once GDB has got control over XRoar there is no way to close Xroar.
Sometimes (a few times) it has refused to connect to XRoar too ... as previous versions.

I can work with that, I just have to remember to send a 'detach' from GDB and then XRoar can be closed correctly.


Re: XRoar, GDB

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:28 pm
by pser1
Hello Ciaran,
I have seen that you have uploaded a new snapshot 35997, so I have dowloaded it and made some tests.
By now, GDB has always conected to XRoar and I have been able to close XRoar without the need
of issuing a 'detach' from GDB.
I am going to substitute the previous version by that one.

Thanks a lot for your hard work on that project!

Re: XRoar, GDB

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:55 pm
by pser1
Hello Ciaran,
reading the manual (pdf) I have read that there is some (initial) support for an IDE interface, Glenside for instance.
You talk about the need of having a file on the root (working dir) named "hd0.img" with a 512 byter header.
Where could I get more info about this work.
You had told me about that some time ago, but I had forgot about it ...
But as now I have ended the port I was working on, I am interested in that area. In fact I do have a Glenside Interface
that I would like to connect to my Dragon too!
Any pointer would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance


Re: XRoar, GDB

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 5:08 pm
by sixxie
Argh I composed a detailed reply to this earlier but must have hit preview instead of send. Good job nobody trusts me to deal with technology, eh?

Anyway, the details can be gleaned by reading ide.c - ide_make_drive() at the end of the file is a function that would construct a drive image from scratch. It's actually 1024 bytes of header (I got the docs wrong), the first 512 of which are mostly zeroes - the first 8 bytes are just magic to ID the file. The second 512 bytes are what you get if you make an IDENTIFY request to the controller and contain all the C/H/S counts, LBA flag, etc.

CoCo disk sector data seems to be doubled up in the examples I've seen, so every 256 byte sector is repeated to fill a 512 byte HD sector.

Definitely hitting submit this time...

Re: XRoar, GDB

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 4:05 pm
by pser1
Hi Ciaran,
I don't know if you have had the time to test the Hobbit on your machine
with the SuperDOS E6
I have copied some screenshots of the game ...


Re: XRoar, GDB

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:48 am
by sixxie
I did, and it looks brilliant :) Thanks for the E6 support, I'll be trying that on my real machine when I eventually get space to pull the beastery down from the loft.