A next-generation Dragon?

A place to discuss everything Dragon related that doesn't fall into the other categories.
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Re: A next-generation Dragon?

Post by sixxie »

You might be interested in CoCo Pi 3
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Re: A next-generation Dragon?

Post by robcfg »

Sure, but it's as easy as it gets.

Download the source code file, uncompress it, go to that folder on the terminal and type:

Code: Select all

And put your roms in the ~/.xroar/roms folder.

That's about it.
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Re: A next-generation Dragon?

Post by Azerpy »

Thank you Ciaran and Rob for these tools to achieve a fine project of Dragon with the RPI. Merci !
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Re: A next-generation Dragon?

Post by CaptainNemo »

Peter's review of the new ZX Spectrum Next –- if you have an hour to spare, watch this video!

Obviously, a lot of time and effort was put into this project.
As one viewer summarized it: “Don't need it, can't justify it, can't really afford it... but boy, I've gotta have one of these!“

...now imagine our next-generation 'Dragon II' 8-)
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Re: A next-generation Dragon?

Post by bluearcus »

The main parts of a next generation Dragon are effectively in existence right now...

A 6309 machine, with CoCoSDC and V9958 based Graphics. Keeping the SAM/VDG keeps backwards compatibility.

Add something that gives CoCo3 style paged memory capability - like Tormod's MOOH, or the still vaporware CoCoMemJR and you are there.

Much more than this is fluff - maybe a DMA driver that can steal bus cycles and give no halt disk access, or polling-free serial keyboard interface. And a RTC ;-)

But most of the next gen features are already here. They just aren't neatly combined.

Kind regards,

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