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Re: Manic Miner problem on XRoar

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:37 pm
by zephyr
I tried it but can't seem to get it to work properly even with the simplest program. Tested it under T3 1.01 and XROAR 0.28. When run, it loads some M/C, asks for the program tape (I'm assuming its asking for the BASIC program to be compiled at this point) and then just seems to freeze after loading the BASIC program. Pressing a key returns with a "TAPE FAILURE" error.

Re: Manic Miner problem on XRoar

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:16 pm
by Sarah
Just had a quick look... the CAS is error free however I think it needs splitting to avoid ?FM ERROR IN 21 as the compiler does a CLOADM after the SPRINT tape is re-inserted, without specifying the filename it wants to load. It seems to be quite fragile, too... if line 21 is edited to add the filename "LINKER" this results in an ?OM ERROR instead, lol!

Although I don't remember much about how to use it, please be aware that you should RENUM 0,,1 your BASIC program and save it with the ASCII option! e.g. CSAVE"HELLOWRD",A

Re: Manic Miner problem on XRoar

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 11:03 pm
by Sarah
Here you go... the same CAS split into separate compiler and linker sections... together with a HELLO WORLD that I successfully compiled to test it!

Code: Select all

1 GOTO 0

Re: Manic Miner problem on XRoar

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 11:18 pm
by zephyr
Thanks! :) It works perfectly under T3, but for some reason it always fails to compile under the latest XROAR 0.28.