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Re: XRoar Cassette Rewrite.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 3:44 pm
by pser1
@ciaran (sixxie)
as they have not yet said anything about xroar.exe, I have changed options and executed it anyways.
Of course it works flawlessly
thanks a lot!
Might this correct also any of the gdb problems I had experienced since that old version?

@chris poacher
are you still interested in converting a lot of cas files to wav?
I will search for a batch file that I used when converting Orchestra 90 scores from cas format
into WAV format. It worked fine using the command -type "SKIPF\n" and of course -timeout-motoroff 1
to ensure xroar closing after each conversion.
The only problem I can imagine is that some cas files may have more than one block, so SKIPF would only
copy the first block and after 'one second' it will timeout and step to the next file.
If I find it, I will upload that bat file here.

Re: XRoar Cassette Rewrite.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 4:33 pm
by pser1
I attach here a zip containing the bat file ... that I renamed to .tab to avoid antivirus deleting it!
Good converting!
(505 Bytes) Downloaded 239 times
Pd the code is:

Code: Select all

rem these two do copy the needed D64 roms to working folder
copy ..\..\XRoar\ROMs\d64rom1V31.rom d64_1.rom
copy ..\..\XRoar\ROMs\d64rom2V31.rom d64_2.rom
rem this one selects all of the .cas files in working folder and converts into them .wav at 48000 Hz with same name
for %%A in (*.cas) do (
   ..\xroar -machine dragon64 -extbas d64_1.rom -altbas d64_2.rom -nodos -force-crc-match -load %%A -tape-rewrite -timeout-motoroff 1 -tape-ao-rate 48000 -tape-write %%~nA.WAV -type "SKIPF\n" -joy-left 0,0:1:0 -kbd-translate -lp-file ..\..\XRoar\sortida.txt 
rem this one gets rid of copied roms
del *.rom

Re: XRoar Cassette Rewrite.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 6:53 pm
by pser1
In the end, AVG have answered ...
telling me that it is safe to use that xroar.exe

Re: XRoar Cassette Rewrite.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:22 am
by sixxie
pser1 wrote: Might this correct also any of the gdb problems I had experienced since that old version?
Oh, heh, probably not.

I am looking to fix up as much as possible for the next proper release though (once CAS CUE writing is working ok too) so if you could email me a little reminder of the problem... ;)

Re: XRoar Cassette Rewrite.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 9:01 am
by Sarah
chrispoacher wrote:Just wondering if there is a way to get the same quality output as can be got from the dos Dragon Convert DC program.? I've tried a few changes to the Xroar command line at the start but even at 16bit doesn't sound much better. Hopefully it's just something I'm doing wrong.

The files all work of course, but I'd rather get more original sounding wav files as Xroar's ones are slightly faster and also 8 bit by default.

Either that or has anyone setup a batch converter for Dragon Convert to convert all cas files in a folder to wav's?
Hi Chris,

I don't know if you're aware there's also a newer Windows edition of Dragon Convert. It can be found here in the forum if not in the archive:

I could release the source if anyone wishes to make enhancements such as batch operations.


Re: XRoar Cassette Rewrite.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:00 pm
by Alastair
If you are using MS Windows you can always use the FOR command to automate any instruction - type FOR /? for instructions.

In the case of using DC and assuming that all of the .CAS files and DC.EXE are in the same directory, and that you are using a 32-bit version of Windows, then CDing to that directory and typing the following should work:

Code: Select all

for /f "delims=" %i in ('dir /b *.cas') do dc "%~si"
For DC Win I assume that the following (untested by me) should also work:

Code: Select all

for /f "delims=" %i in ('dir /b *.cas') do "Dragon Convert for Windows.exe "%i"

(The 'delims' part makes sure that file names with spaces are passed on correctly. The '~s' part makes sure that an 8.3 name is passed to the DOS program DC.)