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Re: A C compiler that can compile for dragon 32?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 11:33 pm
by Bosco
I have a copy of bin2cas.exe in the folder where my binaries live.

I then just do the following using a batch file, (substitute `prog' for the name of your file). :)

Code: Select all

bin2cas -o prog.cas -C prog.bin
bin2cas -o prog.wav -C prog.bin
I should add I'm running Windows not Linux.

Re: A C compiler that can compile for dragon 32?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 11:40 pm
by Alastair
Assuming that I am reading it correctly, the CMOC manual states that without switches CMOC creates CoCo RS-DOS executables. In which case I guess the switches for Bin2Cas should be:

Code: Select all

./ -C main.bin -o main.cas

Code: Select all

./ -C main.bin -o main.wav
Edit. Whilst I was reading the CMOC manual and Bin2Cas help file Bosco answered the query! Personally I would follow Bosco's advice since he has experience of the programs.

Re: A C compiler that can compile for dragon 32?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 7:01 am
by lukeoftheaura
Bosco wrote:I have a copy of bin2cas.exe in the folder where my binaries live.

I then just do the following using a batch file, (substitute `prog' for the name of your file). :)

Code: Select all

bin2cas -o prog.cas -C prog.bin
bin2cas -o prog.wav -C prog.bin
I should add I'm running Windows not Linux.
It's now working fine, thanks!
also, do you happen to know any way to use graphics from CMOC programs?

Re: A C compiler that can compile for dragon 32?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 11:07 am
by Bosco
Great stuff! Glad things came together for you. :D

I'm not familiar with C or CMOC but maybe other users on this forum can help you further?

Failing that, maybe try contacting CMOC's author? He's written a number of sample programs, including graphical card games, (which you'll find the source for on his website).

Re: A C compiler that can compile for dragon 32?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 3:55 pm
by lukeoftheaura
The only ways I can really think of drawing graphics would be either writing asm to d ogrpahics inline with my C programs or somehow using them alongside BASIC, both I don't really want to do. The demos on the site look interesting but seem to rely on tandy colour basic being used(?)