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Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 3:29 pm
by pser1
sixxie wrote:Good to hear it's better, though it raises more questions: I thought that timeout was a software thing, so being quicker under emulation sounds wrong ;)
I can assure you that the real thing makes me go mad ...
Why the hell must I wait for soooo long to get a simple error (say not ready, IV or whatever)?
I am sure that the retries imply sending the command to the WD2797 and then wait for it to
raise the error, then try again. To me it is the controller the part that wastes that amount of time!

Just to compare, the CoCo-SDC (designed by Darren Atkinson and distributed by Ed Snider)
issues the same error message in 5 seconds or less!
So, please, don't make us wait for more and more time to get an error message!

Thanks a lot