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Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:01 pm
by pser1
in fact any key jumped from the orange text to the first working screen.
Couldn't put two 0's at the beginning because the ROM is exactly 8192 bytes long and I have not dared to cut the last two bytes ...


Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:04 pm
by sorchard
pser1 wrote:it hangs because it seems to call $C002
That's really strange. The ROM should call $c000. Perhaps this cartridge isn't supposed to autorun? I've got one somewhere, I'll have to try it. Before I was never sure if it was safe to plug a coco cartridge into a Dragon...

Code: Select all

*** FIRQ service routine

B469 7DFF23     TST   $FF23
B46C 2B01       BMI   $B46F     ;cartridge
B46E 3B         RTI
B46F BDB480     JSR   $B480     ;delay
B472 BDB480     JSR   $B480
B475 318C03     LEAY  $B47B,PCR
B478 7E8000     JMP   $8000		;reset
B47B 0F71       CLR   <$71      ;cold boot flag
B47D 7EC000     JMP   $C000		;jump to cartridge rom

*** delay before starting FIRQ cartrige

B480 9E8A       LDX   <$8A      ;zero
B482 301F       LEAX  -1,X
B484 26FC       BNE   $B482
B486 39         RTS

Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 4:09 pm
by tjewell
Ooh, I might be getting somewhere with this at last! Pere, does this CAS file load and play on your real Orchestra-99?

To the rest of you, you need to load XRoar with Orch-99 support as detailed above (don't forget to switch keyboard layout when you're using the ROM!), then type 'R *' and [enter], then load the CAS file. Once loaded type S [enter] then wait, then P [enter], then turn up your computer's speakers!

I have problems with crackling on my Mac Mini - does anyone experience that on other platforms?

I'll share my perl script for creating CAS files *soon*, once it's a bit prettier!

Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:07 pm
by sixxie
Did you miss an attachment?

I had a (very shonky) script that mangled the Orchestra-someothernumber files you can find online so the CoCo version could load them, but I seem to have lost it. ISTR the only important bit was splitting long lines (> 32 chars).

Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:06 pm
by tjewell
Whoops, missed the attachment! And of course, I'm now at home, and don't have the computer with the attachment on it. Apologies for leaving you all in suspense. Doh!

Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:14 pm
by tjewell
And found it again (please forgive me!) - hopefully this loads. And yes, Sixxie, you're right - long line splitting is a problem. Basically, I'm taking files available here (.ASC files) and converting them to .CAS - with some mixed results! But it gives me something to do in the Autumn evenings, and I'm learning lots!

Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:06 pm
by sorchard
Just had tjewell's axelf2 conversion playing on a real Orchestra-90 CC plugged into a D32 :D

The cartridge autoruns fine. Only problem I had is the coco key mapping:

Press 'C' to get 'S'
'B' ... 'R'
'O' ... space
shift 'Z' ... '*'
'@' ... 'P'

Other than that, awesome!

Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:43 pm
by sixxie
sorchard wrote:Just had tjewell's axelf2 conversion playing on a real Orchestra-90 CC plugged into a D32 :D

The cartridge autoruns fine.
Ah, the real cart does autorun? I simply guessed that such a "peripheral" cartridge would not (how would anything else use it?), not having one myself. I'll update the defaults in XRoar for the next release!

Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:12 pm
by sorchard
The cart seems to own the system once plugged in and has built in tape, disk and BBS support. I haven't found a way to quit out of the editor and get back to BASIC so maybe the trick is to use it in a multi cart type of setup.

Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:46 pm
by tjewell
Awesome that it works! Unlike my speech-sound pak, it's not just a peripheral cartridge, it comes (as Sorchard says) with a program for building and playing its own format of score files. The keyboard mapping is a pain - I'm hoping I can work out how to patch the ROM so it works on the Dragon (although I'm currently stuck on getting gdb to compile on my Mac, but that's another story). Hopefully I can post my script and stuff later this weekend.

I think Pere (Pser1) had it running in a multi-cart setup and worked out how to poke it directly?
