XRoar 0.32 released

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Re: XRoar 0.32 released

Post by pser1 »

more on that subject.
The names indicated under the column Canonical Images Names in 3.6 of the manual are a lot different from the names I had in my folders ...
So I have duplicated them so that now exist with the old name (tied to my bat files) and the canonical one that should be searched by XRoar when changing machines and this really works.
The only thing I have noticed with this new version is that sometimes the first click on a machine option of the menu is neglected. Doing it again uses to work. I think this is not new it was reported some time ago on another version ...
It seems clearly that the manual must be read in full :oops:
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Re: XRoar 0.32 released

Post by sixxie »

Yes, the "rompath" option was going to be my reply to that - no point in setting an environment variable if it can be specified on the command line or in the config file.

The only valid "machine-arch"s are dragon32, dragon64 and coco. A Dragon 200-E is at heart the same basic architecture as a Dragon 64, so you'd select "-machine-arch dragon64" then override the extbas, altbas and ext-charset settings. Here's the builtin definition (which you can see with -config-print):

Code: Select all

machine dragon200e
  machine-desc Dragon 200-E
  machine-arch dragon64
  machine-cpu 6809
  extbas @dragon200e
  altbas @dragon200e_alt
  ext-charset @dragon200e_charset
  tv-type pal
  vdg-type 6847
  ram 64
Now that I come to view that, I see an obvious omission: the keyboard type is missing from -config-print output. That would be "machine-keyboard dragon200e" in this case.

The '@'-prefixed names for ROMs refer to these romlists (these romlists also appear within -config-print):

Code: Select all

romlist dragon200e=@d200e_1,@d64_1,@dragon
romlist dragon200e_alt=@d200e_2,@d64_2
romlist dragon200e_charset=d200e_26,rom26.ic1
As you can see, two of those romlists refer again to other romlists... The idea being that it will search for Dragon 200-E ROMs, but "fall back" to the Dragon 64 ones, etc.

The built-in romlists try to reflect the filenames I've seen used in the wild, but the "canonical image names" lists in the manual show the filenames I prefer, and just act as a simple answer to "what should I name my ROMs" without getting too in-depth about it.
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Re: XRoar 0.32 released

Post by pser1 »

Thanks Ciaran,
I have listed the full configuration ... a lot of interesting things to learn and use!
I am sure I will be able to simplify de doubles on my folders and clean a little the xroar.conf
I have verified that I can add the name of my roms at the end of a list and then this new list substitutes the old one, great and easy!

About the lost clicks, it is simply 'random', I have been making a lot of machine changes and most of the time the problem has not happened.
Don't know if "ui windows32" could be of help in the config file (?)
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Re: XRoar 0.32 released

Post by sixxie »

For your additional enjoyment, I've just pushed out yet another snapshot, adding a "-config-print-all" option that dumps even the defaults...
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Re: XRoar 0.32 released

Post by pser1 »

... too much info in just one shot!
There is a wide margin to configure the machines.
I will make some tests, I just would like to change of machine with the menu instead of closing xroar and starting another .bat file
By now the only problem is that, despite I start with a Dragon 32 without disk, when I change to CoCo2 it starts up showing the color Disk message.
I understand that I can disable the disk just choosing None in Cartridge menu and then forcing a Hard reset (Ctrl+ Shift + R)
I am sure that defining all of the machines without disk would not be too good, because I use to work with disks and starting them every time would not be nice.
thank you very much one more time
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Re: XRoar 0.32 released

Post by pser1 »

Hello Ciaran,
finally it seems that I can do any simulation just using the menu, great!!
I just would like to have an option on the menu to change the CPU (6309 <--> 6809), maybe an option in the Machine menu will be good.
Could it be possible to choose a file as a printer output destination (from the file menu for instance)? I use one for Dragon emulations and a different one for CoCo ones.
And finally, would it be possible to make that any change of cartridge would imply an automatic hardware reset? It is always mandatory after changing it or choosing none.
I will keep on making tests with the new configuration file I have created with your help because it seems that I could get rid of a lot of bat files :D
Just to let you peek that file, I include it hereunder. The ROM names are the ones we could find on the archive, but it is simple to change them to acomodate each one's ROM names

Code: Select all

ui windows32

machine color64
	machine-desc Color64 (Brazilian)
	machine-arch coco
	bas color64bas
	extbas color64extbas
	ram 64

machine cp400-16
	machine-desc CP-400 16K (Brazilian)
	machine-arch coco
	bas cp400bas
	extbas cp400extbas
	machine-cart cp400
	ram 16

machine cp400-64
	machine-desc CP-400 64K (Brazilian)
	machine-arch coco
	bas cp400bas
	extbas cp400extbas
	machine-cart cp400
	ram 64

machine dragon200
	machine-desc Dragon 200 (Eurohard)
	machine-arch dragon64
	extbas d200rom1
	altbas d200rom2
	machine-cart dragdisc
	ram 64

machine dragon200e
	machine-desc Dragon 200-E (Eurohard)
	machine-arch dragon64
	machine-keyboard dragon200e
	extbas d200Erom1_v1.4e
	altbas d200Erom2_v1.4e
	ext-charset d200E_rom26
	machine-cart dragdisc
	ram 64

machine dragon32Std
	machine-desc Dragon32 (std)
	machine-arch dragon32
	extbas d32
	machine-cart lafumat
	ram 32

machine dragon32Enh
	machine-desc Dragon32 (enhanced)
	machine-arch dragon32
	extbas d32v31.5r
	machine-cart dragdisc
	ram 32

machine dragon64
	machine-desc Dragon64 (last)
	machine-arch dragon32
	extbas d64rom1V31.6r
	altbas d64rom2V31.6r
	machine-cart dragdisc
	ram 32

machine dragon64Std
	machine-desc Dragon64 (std)
	machine-arch dragon64
	extbas d64rom1
	altbas d64rom2
	machine-cart lafumat
	ram 64

machine dragon64Enh
	machine-desc Dragon64 (enhanced)
	machine-arch dragon64
	extbas d64rom1V31.6r
	altbas d64rom2V31.6r
	machine-cart dragdisc
	ram 64

machine mx1600
	machine-desc Dynacom MX-1600
	machine-arch coco
	bas mx1600bas
	extbas mx1600extbas
	ram 64

machine pippin
	machine-desc Dragon Pippin (prototype)
	machine-arch dragon32
	extbas d32
	machine-cart dragdisc
	ram 16

machine tano
	machine-desc Dragon by Tano
	machine-arch dragon64
	extbas d64tano
	altbas d64tano2
	machine-cart dragdisc
	ram 64

cart cp400
  cart-desc Prologica DOS
  cart-type rsdos
  cart-rom cp400

cart dragdisc
  cart-desc Dragon Data 1.1C (SJ Woolham)
  cart-type dragondos
  cart-rom ddos11dir
cart superDos
	cart-desc SuperDOS E8
	cart-type dragondos
	cart-rom sdose8
cart dosPlus
	cart-desc DosPlus 5.0 (3S)
	cart-type dragondos
	cart-rom dplus50
cart eurohard
	cart-desc DOS 4.1 (Eurohard)
	card-type dragondos
	cart-rom ddso41dir
cart lafumat
   cart-desc DOS 4.1 (Lafumat cards)
   cart-type dragondos
   cart-rom DosLafumat

romlist d200e_1=d200e_1,d200e_rom1,ic18_v1.4e.ic34,d200Erom1_v1.4e
romlist d200e_2=d200e_2,d200e_rom2,ic17_v1.4e.ic37,d200Erom2_v1.4e
romlist dragon200e_charset=d200e_26,rom26.ic1,d200E_rom26
romlist d64_1=d64rom1v31.6r,d64_1,d64rom1,Dragon Data Ltd - Dragon 64 - IC17,Dragon Data Ltd - TANO IC18,Eurohard S.A. - Dragon 200 IC18,dragrom,d64tano
romlist d64_2=d64rom2v31.6r,d64_2,d64rom2,Dragon Data Ltd - Dragon 64 - IC18,Dragon Data Ltd - TANO IC17,Eurohard S.A. - Dragon 200 IC17,d64tano2
romlist d32=d32v31.5r,d32,dragon32,d32rom,Dragon Data Ltd - Dragon 32 - IC17
romlist coco=bas15,bas14,bas13,bas12,bas11,bas10
romlist dragondos=ddos11c,ddos40,ddos15,ddos10,Dragon Data Ltd - DragonDOS 1.0
romlist superdos=sdose8,sdose7,sdose6,PNP - SuperDOS E6,sdose5,sdose4
romlist dosplus=dplus50,dplus49b,dplus48,dosplus-4.8,DOSPLUS
romlist rsdos=disk12a,disk12,disk11,disk10
romlist cumana=cumana20,cdos20,CDOS20
romlist dragondos_compat=@dragondos,@dosplus,@superdos,@cumana

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Re: XRoar 0.32 released

Post by pser1 »

sorry, I forgot another question:
Is there any chance to 'order' the machine's names in the list of options in the menu?
I have a lot of different combinations right now ...
The same applies to the cartridges list (as the ones I created appear on it too but at the end of the list)
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Re: XRoar 0.32 released

Post by pser1 »

once tested all the Dragon simulations (except Alpha and Beta for wich I assume there is no chance to be simulated), I have begun with the CoCo's.
The main difference between the CoCo2 an dthe CoCo2B should be the fact that the latter has a 6847t1 inside wich should admit lower case letters ...
The only difference I have seen is that the lower case in a standard CoCo have been designed to use the lower rows of the char, but the CoCo2B uses the upper rows instead.
I have been trying to change to lower case in the CoCo2B with sentences like:
Have tryed ORing values like 32, 48, 64, 80 as explained in Tandy's Little Wonder, but none of them made any change.
I have not found any hint inside the XRoar manual, despite it indicates that the chip is emulated for these CoCo2B's.
Does anybody know what should be done to switch to lowercase emulation?
thanks beforehand
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Re: XRoar 0.32 released

Post by pser1 »

this is the right way to get the lowercas letters:
Once done, yo press Ctrl+Z to get the native CoCo Keyboard and then pressing Shift+0 gives you the true lowercase letters
Xroar Emulating CoCo2B Lowercase letters.jpg (36.38 KiB) Viewed 4397 times
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Re: XRoar 0.32 released

Post by zephyr »

I posted this information in the FLEE! thread on the 28th January.

And on the 18th of February, 2012.
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