XRoar 0.30 released

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Re: XRoar 0.30 released

Post by devo »


Just having a little problem running xroar-0.30 after apparently successfully completing dependency install and xroar compile-install as described above. I get this output on crunchbang linux (debian variant I believe) when attempting to execute xroar from terminal, first few lines only show:

root@crunchbang:~# xroar
Module init: GTK+-2 UI
Module init: GTK+-2 file requester
Module init: GtkGLExt video
Module init: OSS audio
Module init failed: OSS audio
Module init: Pulse audio
16-bit signed little-endian, stereo, 48000Hz
10ms (512 samples) buffer
Module init: GTK+-2 keyboard input
*** glibc detected *** xroar: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x090ee5c0 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
...followed by a whole list of stuff I have not included...

I have had xroar-0.29 running successfully on the same system with just SDL. I realise this isn't a linux help place, and I am new to this OS but maybe someone can see something obvious. Thanks in advance.
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Re: XRoar 0.30 released

Post by sixxie »

Yikes, looks like first brown paper bag moment. Bug in pulseaudio code, I'll look into it and get a .1 out soon... In the meantime, can you run with "-ao alsa"?

Edit: no, you probably can't... pulseaudio has a habit of assuming control if the daemon is installed - which is why I generally don't have it even installed - which is why I didn't spot this. Bah! ;)

Further edit: sigh, ok I see the error - I made a fairly recent change to default to stereo sound (due to supporting Orchestra 90), and didn't up the buffer size in the pulseaudio code. A temporary workaround until I get 0.30.1 out is to run with "-ao-channels 1".

Further, further edit: 0.30.1 released ;)
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Re: XRoar 0.30 released

Post by sixxie »

jedie wrote:btw. what's about hosting the git repro on github? See also: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4378
IMHO it's better for publicity and contribution ;)
I did look into generating static pages for code browsing using git2html, but it's horrifically slow, and goes overboard on the data it generates.

I'd install gitweb or something, but I don't have the time to audit it right now! But really I want an alternative to git2html that just dumps the salient aspects (gitk-like tree view of history, commit log for each, and maybe full-tree code browsing for each of the heads).

From a user's perspective, github itself seems a bit weird: the one thing you usually want when you visit a project page - the git clone url - is hidden down the right hand side somewhere (and I think that has varied over time, not sure). You'd think that information would be pretty much the first and most prominent thing after the project name!
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Re: XRoar 0.30 released

Post by tormod »

jedie wrote:Can you list exactly the apt package names, needed to use XRoar on a ubuntu/debian system?
Those who want to run XRoar on Debian/Ubuntu without building it themselves can use my PPA (personal package archive) at https://launchpad.net/~tormodvolden/+archive/m6809

As of writing, the latest 0.30.1 is not built there yet, but if you add the PPA to your Software Sources you will receive it when it gets there. All needed dependencies (libraries) will be automatically installed.

The PPA also has lwtools and toolshed.
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Re: XRoar 0.30 released

Post by devo »

Brilliant! All good now. Thanks sixxie and tormod.
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Re: XRoar 0.30 released

Post by robcfg »

AnnaWu wrote:XRoar 0.30 (Windows port)

- New machine and ROM definitions for Dynacom MX-1600 (CoCo clone).

Is the Dynacom MX-1600 emulation working by using the parameter "-machine mx1600"?
If yes, which ROMs are required?
Can I use the MESS ROM set (mx1600)?

I am not able to find the zephyr patched mx1600 ROM.

Thanks in advance.
Problem solved!

For the mx1600 to work on XRoar, the two roms posted by Dantyr have to be merged into a single one.

This can easily be achieved on windows by using the following command line:

Code: Select all

copy mx1600extbas.rom /b + mx1600bas.rom /b mx1600.rom /b
And then running xroar with the "-machine mx1600" command line switch.

@sixxie:I tried to list the configs with the -config-print switch, but the program prints nothing. Is it a bug or an error in the manual?
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Re: XRoar 0.30 released

Post by sixxie »

robcfg wrote: For the mx1600 to work on XRoar, the two roms posted by Dantyr have to be merged into a single one.
ISTR some debate about that. Um. Can't recall what the consensus was, but wasn't it something along the lines of "it always came with the same ROMs, should just be one image"? Maybe there wasn't any debate ;)

(Edit: no, in fact the only opinion expressed was the exact opposite... I'll make the next release support both!)
@sixxie:I tried to list the configs with the -config-print switch, but the program prints nothing. Is it a bug or an error in the manual?
Windows? Possibly it dumped it to stdout.txt - check that...
Last edited by sixxie on Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: XRoar 0.30 released

Post by robcfg »

Windows? Possibly it dumped it to stdout.txt - check that...
Yep, that was it, thank you!

Now, the only thing I don't know hot to do is how to convert the raw sector Telewriter disk image to work on XRoar.

I posted the right 100Kb image, and a 360kb image which for some strange reason, boots on XRoar with the Delta controller.

It seems also weird that Microdeal told users to backup the disk, when only by accessing it, it will autorun the disk, so no usual disk copy is possible. Could it be an issue with the Delta controller emulation?

I'll try to run it on a real dragon and tell you the results.
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Re: XRoar 0.30 released

Post by sixxie »

I'm not really familiar with Delta, but perhaps back it up from DragonDOS? Pretty sure they both use 256 byte sectors, 18 sectors per track, so it should work.

Edit: tw_s0.img (renamed to .dsk so xroar knows what to do with it) doesn't seem to autorun when I try it. I put a new disk in drive 2 , did INIT B, then BACKUP, A, B and it seemed to work then ended in a seek error. Could DIR B though. Weird, but as I say I'm not too familiar with Delta - need someone to knock up a clone ;)
Last edited by sixxie on Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: XRoar 0.30 released

Post by robcfg »

That's not the case with single side disks, which under Delta have 40 tracks, 10 sectors per track and 256 bytes per sector.

I'm almost finished OCRing a book called 'Using Floppy Disks With The Dragon Microcomputer', which is basically a Delta manual. I'll finish it soon and upload it in the wiki.
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