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Re: Alldream(XRoar)wav<--->Alldream(real Dragon)wav, Errors.

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:22 am
by sixxie
Starting to think myself very lucky indeed that by the time I had any copy of Dream, I was using a disk system...

Re: Alldream(XRoar)wav<--->Alldream(real Dragon)wav, Errors.

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:32 pm
by davidbowman
Sarah wrote: For example, if you were using cartridge Alldream and had done the usual CLEAR200,20001 then a really conservative CSAVEM"WHATEVS",&H4E21,&H7FFF,&HC000 would be sure to save all your source (but includes any unused memory too). It can be loaded back with the same CLEAR followed by CLOADM and EXEC then reply 'Y' when asked 'OLD TEXT?' and away you go. The same idea can be used with cassette Alldream just substitute the appropriate end and exec addresses.
Thanks, but this did not solve the problem of transferring AlldreamROM(XRoar) saved file to AlldreamCassette(real Dragon).
I'll have a cartridge Alldream soon (just awaiting some EPROMs) so will try that.


Re: Alldream(XRoar)wav<--->Alldream(real Dragon)wav, Errors.

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:45 pm
by davidbowman
OKay Dokay, got my Alldream cartridge made and tested it to see how it works with XRoar Alldream (rom) created files.
Well, guess what, the real Dragon cartridge Alldream will load XRoar Alldream files and vise-versa.
It looks like the rom & cassette versions of Alldream (from the download section) do not create compatible files.

Just thought you'd like to know in case someone else has the same problem.


Re: Alldream(XRoar)wav<--->Alldream(real Dragon)wav, Errors.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:12 am
by Sarah
I did warn about that, at the start of my post! ;) Glad you're sorted out now anyway! :D

Alldream is a great product - hope you enjoy using it!