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Re: and a new Disk mag?

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:14 am
by daftspaniel
Thanks Steve that looks really handy. I tried very hard to keep the code structured but line numbered basic is certainly a different kettle of fish!

One thing I had forgotten is the max 2 letter variable names. I thought my program was doing some really random stuff till I realised ROLL and ROUND were being treated as the same :lol: :oops:

The Pig dice game is going well. Hopefully get it released soon - as long as I shake off this cold.

What sort of games do people still play on the Dragon? I was thinking of writing something a bit bigger along the lines of Dragon Data's Quest next.


Re: and a new Disk mag?

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:40 pm
by robcfg
One thing I had forgotten is the max 2 letter variable names.
I didn't knew that and after 3 hours of debugging I realized that could be the only thing that failed in my program, so I checked the BASIC manual and then I really didn't knew if I should trhow my Dragon through the window or it was Microsoft's fault as usual... :mrgreen:

Man, 2 character names makes a program more difficult to read even than assembler language...

Re: and a new Disk mag?

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:03 pm
by Mike Bradshaw
Hi guys,

Seeing the reference by Steve to SAVE"PROGNAME",A reminds me that I tried a lot of times to save basic programmes written on Xroar to a text file using CSAVE"PROGNAME",A

Sometimes this worked and listed the programme as written but most of the time it came out in what looked like Japanese text.

Any ideas why this was?



Re: and a new Disk mag?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:38 am
by sixxie
CSAVE"..",A will save in ASCII, but it's still wrapped up in tape block headers/footers. With a decent text editor it's quite easy to strip all those headers, but there is now an easier way.

If you try the latest XRoar snapshot from here, you can run with "-lp-file filename", and then type "LLIST" to list your file to the "printer" (file). Possibly "POKE &H14B,10" first for Unix-style line endings.

Re: and a new Disk mag?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:55 pm
by daftspaniel
Thanks Sixxie - that is a great feature which will be SO useful when coding :D


Re: and a new Disk mag?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:47 pm
by rolfmichelsen
sixxie wrote:If you try the latest XRoar snapshot from here, you can run with "-lp-file filename", and then type "LLIST" to list your file to the "printer" (file). Possibly "POKE &H14B,10" first for Unix-style line endings.
Very handy feature! Thanks for adding it. Would be even more useful if you flush the output file from time to time so that I don't have to exit xroar to get all the output :-)

-- Rolf

Re: and a new Disk mag?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:34 am
by sixxie
rolfmichelsen wrote: Very handy feature! Thanks for adding it. Would be even more useful if you flush the output file from time to time so that I don't have to exit xroar to get all the output :-)
Ah, try Control+Shift+P. I guess when sending to file a timed flush would be useful, but the reason it's not there now is that you can also use "-lp-pipe" to send to a fiter. e.g.:

Code: Select all

-lp-pipe "enscript -B -N  r -d printer-name"
The filter won't complete until you hit the key combination, which is probably what you want in that case (enscript is a Unix tool that does ASCII to Postscript conversion and, in this case, sends it to a network printer).