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Re: Faulty Dragon32

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:11 pm
by sixxie
acsi wrote:Whats the chance this could be a faulty VDG?
Seems unlikely as it's generating a picture - seemingly responding to varying data... But that doesn't rule it out completely. We seem to have gone over everything else that could possibly affect it!

Re: Faulty Dragon32

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:56 pm
by robcfg
I know it's a long shot, but could it be that the roms are damaged and fail to initialize the vdg or memory in a proper way?

Re: Faulty Dragon32

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:52 pm
by sixxie
The ability to type blind and adjust motor / invoke sound suggests RAM organisation (and indeed RAM) is fine. If the VDG weren't configured correctly you'd still get a stable picture, just an incorrect one.

The constant changing implies bad data to the VDG, either due to its connection to the data bus (but the latch and presumably connections to the latch are fine), or because memory isn't being addressed properly. The SAM is otherwise addressing RAM fine (and has been substituted anyway), so that really does only leave the VDG to SAM signalling, which is DA0, and !HS.

Oh, !FS & !MS need to be connected together on the VDG to make that work. One more thing to try I guess - after that I'm completely out of ideas!

Re: Faulty Dragon32

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:20 am
by Alastair
Could it be a short rather than a faulty component?

Re: Faulty Dragon32

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:08 am
by acsi
Alrighty my day just got better.

The replacement MC6847P arrived today. Popped it in and now she is running again. :D

Murphy's law states it will that the faulty chip will always be the last one you replace.

Re: Faulty Dragon32

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:21 am
by sixxie
Well colour me surprised :)

Maybe something to do with the data in lines on the faulty one.

Guess anything that can go wrong will... Glad you sorted it!

Re: Faulty Dragon32

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:42 pm
by zephyr
Good to see you got it working again! :)

There are some HM4864P 64K RAM chips for sale at only 0.99p each (+
£1.00 postage) if you are interested in the easy upgrade to 64K of RAM.