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Re: Extra PCB fitted to Dragon 32

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:16 pm
by prime
tjewell wrote:Quite a co-incidence this discovery, given my other thread about display quality! Like Alastair, I'd be intrigued to know which Dragons this would work with. Might it already have been done on the later issue5/6 boards, which is why they have a better quality display? Or is it better still?

I love the fact that new things can be discovered about these machines even after nearly 30 years.
Well oddly my original 1984 bought Dragon had the same mainboard as this one but didn't have the patch board which is odd. So it seems that only some machines had them fitted.



Re: Extra PCB fitted to Dragon 32

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:12 pm

Glad you are pleased with the machine and better still, managed to get it working :-)

It is even better news that you have been able to work out the intended use of the patch board - if you would be interested in making some of these (and we can figure out which Dragons they are suitable for - if not all), then I would be interested in selling them


Re: Extra PCB fitted to Dragon 32

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:12 am
by zephyr
Thanks, Phill! 8-)

Re: Extra PCB fitted to Dragon 32

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:31 pm
by salan
Hi, New to the site, but had dragons since day one.
If I remember that far back, I seem to rememebr the bpard was for cleaning the vid signal up and I think for other tv systems ie secam etc.
But the mod was on some UK boards.
The video siganl is really for NTSC timings The cct was 'frigged' for PAL.

Re: Extra PCB fitted to Dragon 32

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:02 pm
by RoyCoates
Hi. Whilst my memory of all things Dragon is more than a little rusty, I do recall that my local electronics emporium had a stack of Dragon 32 motherboards for sale which they told me were units returned to the factory as faulty.

I've no idea what I did with these boards (it was so so long ago!) - but many of them had that additional daughter board. I'd not seen it before.

I still have some boxes of Dragon stuff in the attic, maybe I'll have a rummage over the Easter break.

