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Re: Co-Co Ram size detection?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:56 pm
by heatsink128
That a shame, as postage from Australasia would be a killer, not much chance of finding games either. Co-Co stuff seems very scarce here anyhow.


Re: Co-Co Ram size detection?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:32 am
by prime
jmk wrote:Bad luck with the 16K, but there are an awful lot of them out there. At least you didn't get an ultra-early 4K model. ;) (Or maybe they're worth more?)
Yeah I believe so as the majority where upgraded.....
Upgrading might be possible...
And for the most part with a CoCo 1 which is what the OP has, it's actually pretty easy as Tandy thoughtfully socketed the RAM, so easy to take out
the 4Kx1 or 16Kx1 chips and replace them with 64Kx1 **AFTER** you have changed the links on the board, as feeding +12V and -5V to 64Kx1 chips will almost certainly kill them as they only need 5V

