XRoar 0.31 released

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XRoar 0.31 released

Post by sixxie »

As usual recent snapshots contain most of the changes. New downloads here:


(With Windows GTK+ executable in here for those that have installed the required DLLs).

So the big change is Dragon 200-E support, with all the stuff needed to support that:
  • External character generator support
  • Inverse text toggling (Ctrl+Shift+I or -invert-text option)
  • Different positional keyboard maps based on emulated machine
You need d200e_1.rom (32K BASIC), d200e_2.rom (64K BASIC) and d200e_26.rom (character generator), then start up with "-default-machine dragon200e".

In addition:
  • Many more keymaps (-keymap help for a list)
  • Linux users have more control over audio latency: -ao-fragments, -ao-fragment-frames or -ao-fragment-ms
  • Sound drivers for the other architectures copy less data around, and I think the thread interaction is a bit cleaner
  • Timing errors in sound are better accounted for (how many machine cycles in one audio frame - never a nice exact multiple, previous approach was to assume it was "good enough")
  • And various bug fixes of course (cheers to all here who raised them)
The GDB remote target is now included in the Windows build (run with "-gdb" to enable, check the manual for other options), and makes use of the pthreads compatibility library that comes with MinGW - it seems fine under 32-bit Windows but I've no 64-bit version around to test with. While I have tested it (under Wine and a remote access 32-bit box I have access to), I'm half expecting many cries of "it just crashes!". Let me know!

Of course if you notice it all being much smoother because of the audio rewrites, I'd like to hear about that too ;)
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Re: XRoar 0.31 released

Post by pser1 »

Hello Ciaran,
I have started xroar v0.31 64bits with -gdb and then started m6809-gdb but the command "target remote loacalhost:65520" failed in my instalation.
I copy an image of the screen with xroar, m6809-gdb, and strderr.txt open, I hope you could find and tell me where did I go wrong.
screen dump with xroar log and m6809-gdb error
screen dump with xroar log and m6809-gdb error
errorGDBxroar64-6309.jpg (285.21 KiB) Viewed 5565 times
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Re: XRoar 0.31 released

Post by pser1 »

Back again Ciaran,
I have copied windows32 version and made the very same procedure. It failed too, so it is clear that I am missing or doing something wrong.
I explain what I have done:
I have created a folder with the xroar executable and m6809-gdb.exe
then I start xroar with this .bat commnad file
copy ..\XRoar\DOS-ROMs\ddos11C.rom ddos40.rom
copy ..\XRoar\ROMs\d64rom1V30.rom d64_1.rom
copy ..\XRoar\ROMs\d64rom2V30.rom d64_2.rom
xroar -gdb -machine dragon64 -machine-cpu 6309 -extbas d64_1.rom -altbas d64_2.rom -dostype ddos40.rom -force-crc-match -disk-write-back -joy-left 0,0:1:0 -kbd-translate -lp-file ..\XRoar\sortida.txt
del *.dgn
del *.rom
when it shows the xroar window, then I double click on m6809-gdb.exe and appears the black DOS-mode window in wich I do enter this command
target remote localhost:65520
and despite xroar states (in stderr.txt) => gdb: target listening on localhost:65520
the DOS windows finally shows up a timeout message and adds a line on stderr.txt => WARNING: gdb: accept() failed
Any advice will be highly appreciated
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Re: XRoar 0.31 released

Post by sixxie »

Hmm, is it possible one or other side can't figure out what "localhost" means? Try running XRoar with "-gdb-ip" and using "target remote" in GDB?

I assume Windows does include the loopback network interface by default. You could also try specifying your external IP there (or anything that appears in the output of "ipconfig /all"), though that is less secure (you'd be opening it up to remote connections from the network).
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Re: XRoar 0.31 released

Post by robcfg »

It can be a firewall issue, check that the port is open.
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Re: XRoar 0.31 released

Post by pser1 »

have tried creating input and output rules for the 65520 port in the windows firewall with the same result (fail).
Then I have disabled the firewall, didn't solve the problem.
I have tried to add the IP that my DHCP server gives to my PC, I make these two tries:
xroar -gdb-ip -machine dragon64 -machine-cpu 6309 -extbas d64_1.rom -altbas d64_2.rom -dostype ddos40.rom
xroar -gdb-ip -gdb-port 65520 -machine dragon64 -machine-cpu 6309 -extbas d64_1.rom -altbas d64_2.rom -dostype ddos40.rom
none succeeded when on m6809-gdb console I entered the command:
target remote
In these two cases never has appeared in the stderr.txt the line that shows that gdb is listening (it appears when no ip is forced).
Any other idea?
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Re: XRoar 0.31 released

Post by sixxie »

Try adding "-gdb" to those lines - it won't even try and listen without that option.
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Re: XRoar 0.31 released

Post by pser1 »

good news, it finally works!
The first problem was the port number. Despite I had enabled input and output in the windows firewall for the 65520 it didn't work.
So I tested with 6442 instead (maybe e-mule or e-donkey used numbers in this range) and the line in stderr.txt showed gdb was listening, but didn't work anyway.
Then a added my IP and yes, it worked.
Finally I tested with the standard and worked too, so it seems that the other problem was that localhost is not defined or recognized in my windows installation. Will give a peek.
This is the final command order to start xroar that works for me:
xroar -gdb -gdb-port 6442 -gdb-ip -machine dragon64 -machine-cpu 6309 -extbas d64_1.rom -altbas d64_2.rom -dostype ddos40.rom -force-crc-match -disk-write-back
thanks to all of you, my friends!!
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Re: XRoar 0.31 released

Post by sixxie »

Cool, glad you got it sorted!

You can put most of those options in an xroar.conf so you don't have to keep typing them :)
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Re: XRoar 0.31 released

Post by pser1 »

Hello Ciaran,
as I use to test D32, D64 with and without disk drive, 6809 or 6309 and sometimes CoCo2 too, I have created a lot of bat files with the adequate parameters, so I can start any of these emulations with only a double click.
I will try to learn a bit about the config file, maybe the common params could be there to shorten the bat files.
thanks one more time
Last edited by pser1 on Sat Dec 21, 2013 5:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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