Ubuntu 12.04 XROAR help

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Ubuntu 12.04 XROAR help

Post by qt11 »

Hey guys,

I've just installed Ubuntu 12.04 and would also like to install XRoar.

I've downloaded the source, however when trying to run ./configure i'm seeing the following error :

Code: Select all

Checking for makeinfo >= 4.13 ... no
Checking for texi2pdf ... no
Checking for install ... yes
Trace mode included
Accurate video enabled
Accurate audio enabled
Creating config.mak and config.h

Erk!  No feature able of providing video output has been configured.
There's probably no point in building until you sort this out.
I'm running the Gnome desktop and understand the following package would include everything needed for XRoar to compile...

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install gnome-core-devel build-essential
I've also downloaded and successfully installed gtk+-3.4.2, which i thought could be the issue....

however still no luck...

Please could someone guide me in how to get this running on Ubuntu 12.04

p.s. what Linux distro's are you guys using to run XRoar?

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Re: Ubuntu 12.04 XROAR help

Post by sixxie »

XRoar doesn't support GTK+-3 yet (though I doubt it'll take much work). Try installing the libgtk2.0-dev package.

Edit: oh, and I'm generally using Debian testing - but not the GNOME environment.
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Re: Ubuntu 12.04 XROAR help

Post by qt11 »

Thanks for the feedback, installed, however still the same issue. I like Ubuntu and my Dragon. This makes me sad :cry: <<- see

alan@ubuntu12:~/Downloads/dragon/xroar-0.27$ ./configure
Build system type is x86_64-linux-gnu
Target system type is x86_64-linux-gnu
Checking for C optimisation options ... -O3
Checking for C++ optimisation options ... -O3
Checking for Objective C optimisation options ...
Checking for gcc accepting -pipe ... yes
Checking for g++ accepting -pipe ... yes
Checking for GP32 ... no
Checking for NDS ... no
Checking for strsep() ... yes
Checking for GTK+-2 ... yes
Checking for GtkGLExt ... no
Checking for SDL ... no
Checking for SDL on build host ... no
Checking for SDL_image on build host ... no
Checking for Mac OS X Cocoa ... no
Checking for ALSA ... no
Checking for OSS ... yes
Checking for PulseAudio ... no
Checking for Sun audio ... no
Checking for Mac OS X Core Audio ... no
Checking for Linux joysticks ... yes
Checking for libsndfile ... no
Checking for MinGW ... no
Checking for makeinfo >= 4.13 ... no
Checking for texi2pdf ... no
Checking for install ... yes
Trace mode included
Accurate video enabled
Accurate audio enabled
Creating config.mak and config.h

Erk! No feature able of providing video output has been configured.
There's probably no point in building until you sort this out.
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Re: Ubuntu 12.04 XROAR help

Post by tiredandemotional »


I had the same issue and the below fixed it. which, I believe, is the SDL image

sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2-dev

however, now when I press control l to attach a rom/tape etc
i get
"Segmentation fault (core dumped)"
so still no joy
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Re: Ubuntu 12.04 XROAR help

Post by sixxie »

You'll need either GtkGLExt or SDL for video. In Debian those packages are libsdl1.2-dev or libgtkglext1-dev.

I must admit I don't see why it would segfault spawning a file requester. A backtrace from gdb might help.
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Re: Ubuntu 12.04 XROAR help

Post by qt11 »

sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2-dev

that worked a treat, thanks guys
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Re: Ubuntu 12.04 XROAR help

Post by Julian »

Any chance we can get this turned into something resembling a coherent guide for Ubuntu users?

I've not tried XRoar out on my Ubuntu setup but I had planned on experimenting on such things with my Raspberry Pi when it arrives (only another 2 weeks...) - I was seriously contemplating seeing if I could turn an old dragon into a housing for it but the keyboard is giving me a headache.
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Re: Ubuntu 12.04 XROAR help

Post by sixxie »

Well, building is sort of covered in the manual, though how to get the dependencies is kept vague because different systems do it differently.

It does need a note about needing GTK+-2, not 3 though (or more likely, I'll just make it support version 3).

There is a debian testing package for amd64 - apt source here:

Code: Select all

deb http://www.6809.org.uk/debian testing main
deb-src http://www.6809.org.uk/debian testing main
It might well work for Ubuntu - the deb-src line should at least let you try "apt-get build-dep xroar" to install build dependencies.
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Re: Ubuntu 12.04 XROAR help

Post by Julian »

I think I'll have to get a VM put together in anticipation of the real hardware arriving and give it a spin
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