USR() routines....

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USR() routines....

Post by prime »

Hi all,

Does anyone know of any software that uses all 10 of the USR() routines ?

The reason I ask is that to define extra keywords (for DragonMMC), you have to define a new keyword stub, which over-writes the first byte of the 20 byte USR routine addresses. Dragon DOS gets round this by stealing one of the graphics pages for it's variables and moving them there. I am currently doing this, however the only thing I am using this for at the moment *IS* the USR vectors. Doing this of course reduces the number of graphics pages to 7, which is a prblem for some software written in basic which tries to do a pclear 8.

I was thinking that I could still use the second keyword stub, move the USR table up by 2 bytes and re-define the USR() routine so that only USR00-USR08 are recognised. However this would of course not work if the 10th USR routine was used.

Thoughts ?


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Re: USR() routines....

Post by zephyr »

You could relocate the USR address table to $00ea-00ff. These bytes are unused when DOS is not present.
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Re: USR() routines....

Post by prime »

zephyr wrote:You could relocate the USR address table to $00ea-00ff. These bytes are unused when DOS is not present.
Humm yeah that is indeed true, though I do later plan to have a dos emulation mode, I suppose when dos is active then it reserves the page and re-locates anyways.


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Re: USR() routines....

Post by prime »

Right moving the USR vectors to $00EC-$00FF seems to work, now I just need some software to test....

Anyone know any games in the archive off the top of your head that use usr routines ?


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Re: USR() routines....

Post by sixxie »

Flee! does (although as usual, only USR0 - I can't think of any that use more than that either).
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Re: USR() routines....

Post by Alastair »

Both Tim Love's Cricket by Peaksoft and Invader Cube by Oasis work on a Dragon 32 but not on a 64 so I suspect that both use USRs higher than 0.
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Re: USR() routines....

Post by zephyr »

Kriegspiel (D32 only) is a good one for testing. IIRC this game uses all 10 of the USR() routines.
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