Dragon Meetup 2024

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Dragon Meetup 2024

Post by tjewell »

So all, do we fancy another Meetup? Sure we do! The Centre for Computing History says they have a free weekend on the 7th/8th September (it seems to get earlier every year) or we could approach the Museum of Technology and see if they'll have us back. What do we all think? So far I've had more votes for the MoT than the CfCH. For those of you worried about what it would be like in cold weather at the MoT, we could use the Faraday Building (where the Pye exhibit was) rather than the machine shed. A few people have also said that 7th/8th Sept is possibly a little too soon. I'll do a Doodle Poll once I've got a feeling for which venue we'd prefer.

I don't think many people have joined this forum in the last year, but those who have, this is what's going on - for many of the last few years (pandemics permitting) we've had a Meetup in the autumn, normally at the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge (UK) - although last year, building works meant we moved to the Museum of Technology across the road. It's a weekend event, there's LOTS of interesting Dragons to see (and Dragon owners to talk to) and the Friday and Saturday nights also involve food and a fair amount of beer. Everyone is welcome, from Dragon newbies to Dragon experts and everything else in between.
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2024

Post by sixxie »

Those dates work for me so far :)
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2024

Post by jedie »

Hm. Interesting. This weekend is free here, too... ;)

Is the date and the event already fixed?
... too many ideas and too little time ... Related stuff written in Python:
Dragon 32 emulator / PyDC - Python Dragon 32 converter: https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy
DWLOAD server / Dragon-Lib and other stuff: https://github.com/6809
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2024

Post by tjewell »

Nope, not at all fixed. At the moment, I'm just trying to get a feel for when people are available and which venue they'd like. Only dead cert is that it'll be in Cambridge this year. And that there'll be beer.
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2024

Post by bluearcus »

The Pye building at the CMoT sounds like an really good option to me, and the proximity of excellent beer and food for the evening is a big bonus.
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2024

Post by robcfg »

I have a friend's wedding in Spain the 20th of September, so it should be just about right.
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2024

Post by tjewell »

Okay, the Museum of Technology have come back to me and would love to host our Meetup! They've got two possible dates, the 12th and 19th October. We can have the Pye room, with the option of the Machine Shed if the weather looks good. So let's vote. If you can do both dates, please tick both. Any comments on the dates please comment! https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/bqMByLrb
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2024

Post by sixxie »

Curses, after putting a vote in, I’ve discovered I can’t actually do either. Ah well, was bound to happen one year…
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2024

Post by FranzL »

Good afternoon,

I am new in this circle.

Where do you intend to have that meeting - London?

I would love to visit you and get a feeling of revival of the Dragon: I won in a prize quiz in end of 1983 my first Dragon 32.

Since then I have collected what ever was available.

Thus, I would greatly appreciate to have an opportunity to meet with you at that event.

Please advise: where, when.

Thank you in advance

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Re: Dragon Meetup 2024

Post by Alastair »

FranzL wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:17 pm Good afternoon,

I am new in this circle.
Hello, and welcome to the site.
FranzL wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:17 pm Where do you intend to have that meeting - London?
Please advise: where, when.
No, it will be in Cambridge, and the date has yet to be decided.
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