The CoCo Crew Podcast

A place to discuss everything Dragon related that doesn't fall into the other categories.
Posts: 129
Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:01 pm

Re: The CoCo Crew Podcast

Post by linville »

Episode 92 -- CoCo Sentience?; Scrolling; Review of Destiny

Along with our leading News and Announcements, we see the return
of Boisy's favorite skit: "The CoCo Group" with a tounge-in-cheek
discussion of CoCo's becoming sentient! Also I talk a bit about
implementing full-screen scrolling on a CoCo1 or CoCo2 and Neil
reviews the Jeopardy-like game Destiny.

We've been producing this show for over seven years, with nothing to
stop us so far. Are you joining the Crew? :-)
Posts: 129
Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:01 pm

Re: The CoCo Crew Podcast

Post by linville »

Episode 93 -- Is retro still "cool"?; Review of Backup Magic

The end of February always feels a bit early, but here we are!

Along with the usual News and Announcements, the hosts bat around the topic of whether or not retro is still "cool" and how much longer we expect that to be so. Neil wraps things up with a review of Carl England's Backup Magic utility.

So...Will you be joining the Crew this month? 🙂
Posts: 129
Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:01 pm

Re: The CoCo Crew Podcast

Post by linville »

Episode 94 -- Sharing Time at CoCoFEST!; Review of Space Marauder

Along with the usual News and Announcements, the hosts how to ensure everyone's time is used fairly at CoCoFEST!. Neil reviews Space Marauder.

It's time for you to join the Crew! 🙂
Posts: 129
Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:01 pm

Re: The CoCo Crew Podcast

Post by linville »

Episode 95 -- CoCoFEST! 2023; Review of Kung-Fu Dude

Along with the usual News and Announcements, the hosts give a recap
of their experience at CoCoFEST! 2021, including the new venue!
Also, Neil gives us his review of Kung-Fu Dude.

Now come along and join the Crew! 🙂
Posts: 129
Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:01 pm

Re: The CoCo Crew Podcast

Post by linville »

Episode 96 -- Review of PiKey-10 ; Should Upgraded CoCos be marked?

Along with the usual News and Announcements...Neil reviews the PiKey-10
add-on for the MC-10, and the hosts discuss the merits of
marking/documenting any 3rd-party upgrades done to a CoCo before selling

Come and listed to the Crew, and fun will be had by all! 🙂
Posts: 129
Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:01 pm

Re: The CoCo Crew Podcast

Post by linville »

Episode 97 -- The Time Has Come

One last round of News and Announcements! Plus, Neil interviews Jim O'Keefe and
the Crew reflects on 8+ years of the podcast.

Come and enjoy one more visit with the Crew!
Posts: 675
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:33 pm

Re: The CoCo Crew Podcast

Post by Alastair »

John and the rest of the CoCo Crew,
thanks for your podcast. You will be missed but it's understandable that the time and effort required to produce a podcast does take its toll. However look at it this way, you managed to produce more episodes than Dragon User produced magazine issues, that's some achievement and is a credit to the whole team.

P.S. There is one last job to do, someone needs to fix the link for the episode 97 show notes.
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