New Update for the DOSPlus5.0 Extended

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New Update for the DOSPlus5.0 Extended

Post by pser1 »

As a result of the correction I did for my new utility USDC10, I have updated the DOSPlus5.0 Extended to version 25.10
The version 25.09 was created as a special case to be used on a Dragon32 with a +32k board (made by Tormod Volden)

Version 25.10 is not a mandatory update as you have been using the old version for a long time without issues!
The change is 'only' one code byte other than the ones related to the version number and date.

You will find here a zip containing:
- DP50E-v2510-Updater.VDK
- a text file with the changes history

Ideally you should flash the new version in a bank other than the one you are using to startup right now.
Once verified that it works for you, then you could flash the bank that starts your v25.08

DP50E v25.10.ZIP
(28.94 KiB) Downloaded 732 times
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