RALLY SG - A new game for the Dragon

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RALLY SG - A new game for the Dragon

Post by pser1 »

I just wanted to let you know that Nickolas Marentes has just released a new game, made with semigraphics, that runs
on CoCo and Dragon machines (using the Mc6847 std output)
You will find more info about that project here

Give it a try and do support people developping nice new games for our beasts
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Re: RALLY SG - A new game for the Dragon

Post by bluearcus »

Stonking game, and one that's been missing on the Dragon / CoCo for a long time!
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Re: RALLY SG - A new game for the Dragon

Post by sixxie »

It's good! Effective Semigraphics use, very playable. Will have to have a shuftie through it to see why it needs 64K though - maybe the map is drawn out in full into memory - twice would make sense too.
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