XROAR 0.35 issues

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XROAR 0.35 issues

Post by dublevay »


Does anyone have any idea why I would have issues running XROAR 0.35 (and 0.35.2), but not running XROAR 0.34?

To clarify, running 0.34, everything runs at a decent speed. But if I am running 0.35, it runs really slowly. ROMs etc are all identical. Have tried reinstalling several times. PC is fairly new spec (i7-7700K, 16GB RAM etc).


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Re: XROAR 0.35 issues

Post by sixxie »

Testing locally (which means Linux), there's no difference in CPU usage between the two. Doesn't mean some defaults changes aren't messing you up under Windows though.

Do you see high CPU usage with 0.35? If so, there are more fundamental problems. But if not, try running XRoar with -C (start a console) and seeing what audio settings you get - it may be that tweaking those helps out.

Current dev branch does eat quite a lot more for GMC emulation, but so far I'm calling that a reasonable tradeoff to get more accurate audio... And that doesn't affect what you've been trying anyway :)
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Re: XROAR 0.35 issues

Post by pser1 »

Hello Ciaran,
as I am experiencing sound problems when emulating GMC inside an MPI with drives, I put the parameter -C and
this is what is shown inthe console:

Code: Select all

Module init: Windows SDL2 UI
Module init: Windows file requester
Module init: SDL2 video
Module init: SDL2 audio
        16-bit signed little-endian, stereo, 48000Hz
        3 frags * 1024 frames/frag = 3072 frames buffer (64.0ms)
        No joysticks found
Machine: Dragon64 (last)
Loading ROM image: ./d64_1.rom
Loading ROM image: ./d64_2.rom
        32K mode BASIC CRC = 0x84f68bf9 (forced)
WARNING: Invalid CRC for combined BASIC ROM
        64K mode BASIC CRC = 0x17893a42 (forced)
WARNING: Invalid CRC for alternate BASIC ROM
Cartridge: Multi-Pak Interface
Cartridge: Games Master Cartridge
Cartridge: DragonDOS V4.1 (dir)
Loading ROM image: /XRoar/DOS-ROMs/ddos41dir.rom
        CRC = 0x6415f6b9
This is using XRoar v0.35.2
Do you see any problem that could be creating the interrupt sound (spikes) I do hear every time?
thanks in advance
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Re: XROAR 0.35 issues

Post by sixxie »

pser1 wrote:Hello Ciaran,
as I am experiencing sound problems when emulating GMC inside an MPI with drives, I put the parameter -C and
this is what is shown inthe console
Does the same thing happen just using a GMC without the MPI? Not that the MPI code should be adding too much overhead.

Also, you've tried the snapshot builds? They have the new mixing code in, be good to know if there's any difference there.
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Re: XROAR 0.35 issues

Post by pser1 »

sixxie wrote:
pser1 wrote:Hello Ciaran,
as I am experiencing sound problems when emulating GMC inside an MPI with drives, I put the parameter -C and
this is what is shown inthe console
Does the same thing happen just using a GMC without the MPI? Not that the MPI code should be adding too much overhead.
Also, you've tried the snapshot builds? They have the new mixing code in, be good to know if there's any difference there.
Hi Ciaran,
yes, I tried the GMC all alone and then using the MPI to access floppies. In both cases sound gets interrupted randomly.
I will download the latest snapshot and try again.
What I can assure is that on real hardware with the mini-MPI, CoCo-SDC and the GMC the sound is continuous without issues
I will make some more tests and let you know the results.
Thanks a lot!
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Re: XROAR 0.35 issues

Post by pser1 »

bad news ...
Without the MPI using snapshot 2019-4512-w64 keeps interrupting the sound
And even worse, the bat that with 0.35.2 started well with MPI, now refuses to load the DOS ROM, see messages on console.
Of course XRoar starts the Basic without the Eurohard message ...

Code: Select all

WARNING: Please quote strings or escape spaces, auto-concat is deprecated.
WARNING: Hitachi HD6309 support is UNVERIFIED!
Module init: Windows SDL2 UI
Module init: Windows file requester
Module init: SDL2 video
Module init: SDL2 audio
        16-bit signed little-endian, stereo, 48000Hz
        3 frags * 1024 frames/frag = 3072 frames buffer (64.0ms)
        No joysticks found
Machine: Dragon64 (last)
Loading ROM image: ./d64_1.rom
Loading ROM image: ./d64_2.rom
        32K mode BASIC CRC = 0x84f68bf9 (forced)
WARNING: Invalid CRC for combined BASIC ROM
        64K mode BASIC CRC = 0x17893a42 (forced)
WARNING: Invalid CRC for alternate BASIC ROM
Cartridge: Multi-Pak Interface
Cartridge: Games Master Cartridge
Cartridge: DragonDOS V4.1 (dir)
Any hint?
Thanks beforehand
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Re: XROAR 0.35 issues

Post by pser1 »

I have tested w32 of this last snapshot and later w32 of v0.35.2 and both have the same sound issue
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Re: XROAR 0.35 issues

Post by pser1 »

for maybe it was a Basic issue, I have coded the very same in assembler and tested in more than twice!
Same result that I got with the Basic version.
I attach here the source code I have used, maybe someone will find a flaw ...
(1.11 KiB) Downloaded 353 times
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Re: XROAR 0.35 issues

Post by sorchard »

Hi Pere,

I had to insert NOPs after some of the writes to $ff41, but other than that your assembly program works ok for me.

(The sound chip needs 8 cpu clocks to process each command. LDA #n STA ,X is only 6 cycles and a bit too fast)
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Re: XROAR 0.35 issues

Post by pser1 »

sorchard wrote:Hi Pere,
I had to insert NOPs after some of the writes to $ff41, but other than that your assembly program works ok for me.
(The sound chip needs 8 cpu clocks to process each command. LDA #n STA ,X is only 6 cycles and a bit too fast)
Hi Stew,
you are right, the music chip needs some 24 cycles at 4MHz so it is aprox 6 cycles at 0,89MHz
IN Basic this doesn't matter due to the low execution speed of Basic but when it comes to ASM
it is really important timing the commands.
As after a STA $ff41 there is a LDA #nnnn it needs two NOPs before it (2+2+2 cycles)
And where LDA ,X is used, a single NOP is enough (2+4)
I corrected this in my source code and still the same 'wrong sound interruptions'

I run XRoar on Windows 10, are you using this awful OS too?
Don't know what parameters could be changed for XRoar to process sound in this case.
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