A place to discuss everything Dragon related that doesn't fall into the other categories.
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Post by zephyr »

@ sixxie

Code: Select all

Ctrl+[1-4] ........ Insert a virtual disk into drive 1-4.
Ctrl+Shift+[1-4] .. Insert a blank virtual disk (40TSS) into drive 1-4.
Ctrl+A ............ Cycle through artifacted video modes (hi-res only).
Ctrl+B ............ Load CoCo ".bin" binary file.
Ctrl+C ............ Quit emulator.
Ctrl+E ............ Toggle DOS emulation on/off - reset to take effect.
Ctrl+F ............ Toggle normal/full screen mode
Ctrl+H ............ Load ".hex" Intel HEX-record.
Ctrl+I ............ Insert a cartridge.
Ctrl+Shift+I ...... Insert a cartridge, no autorun.
Ctrl+J ............ Cycle through joystick emulation modes (None, Left, Right).
Ctrl+K ............ Toggle between Dragon and CoCo keyboard layout.
Ctrl+L ............ Load a file (see below).
Ctrl+M ............ Toggle between Dragon and CoCo emulation (resets machine).
Ctrl+R ............ Soft reset.
Ctrl+Shift+R ...... Hard reset.
Ctrl+S ............ Save a snapshot.
Ctrl+T ............ Insert ".cas" virtual cassette.
Ctrl+Shift+T ...... Insert virtual cassette and autoload first program.
Ctrl+W ............ Attach a virtual cassette file for writing.
Ctrl+Z ............ Enable keyboard translation mode (see below).
Are all of these keys still used by the latest version of xroar?
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Post by sixxie »

And then some ;)

Actually, B, H, I and T all do the same as L now - it determines which type to load by extension (I know that's horrible, and I wish CAS, DMK, etc. had some good magic to distinguish).

When I get time, some GTK+ menus would be a good idea for Linux, and Mac OS X's Interface Builder might make things easier there, but if anyone knows how to add proper menus for a Windows SDL app, I'd welcome the patch.
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Post by zephyr »

And then some
(1) Why don't you list all of them in the readme file?

(2) Could you post the complete list here?
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Post by sixxie »

zephyr wrote:(1) Why don't you list all of them in the readme file?
Because the only omissions are duplicate functions - they used to call separate load routines, now they all do the same thing.
(2) Could you post the complete list here?
Well ok, but the only additions to the README are:

Code: Select all

Ctrl+B ............ Load a file.
Ctrl+H ............ Load a file.
Ctrl+I ............ Load a file.
Ctrl+T ............ Load a file.
Also if you build with trace mode enabled, Ctrl+V toggles tracing (disassembly as it runs), but the distributed builds don't have that.
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Post by zephyr »

Thanks for the info! :)

According to the information you have supplied, the actual keys missing from the v0.21 Windows README file are:

Code: Select all

Ctrl+B ............ Load CoCo ".bin" binary file.
Ctrl+F ............ Toggle normal/full screen mode. *
Ctrl+H ............ Load ".hex" Intel HEX-record.
Ctrl+T ............ Insert ".cas" virtual cassette.
Ctrl+Shift+T ...... Insert virtual cassette and autoload first program.

Here's the list copied directly from the XROAR v0.21 README file:

Code: Select all

Ctrl+[1-4] ........ Insert a virtual disk into drive 1-4.
Ctrl+Shift+[1-4] .. Insert a blank virtual disk (40TSS) into drive 1-4.
Ctrl+[5-8] ........ Toggle write protect on disk in drive 1-4.
Ctrl+Shift+[5-8] .. Toggle write protect on file for disk in drive 1-4.
Ctrl+A ............ Cycle through cross-colour video modes (hi-res only).
Ctrl+C ............ Quit emulator.
Ctrl+E ............ Toggle DOS emulation on/off - reset to take effect.
Ctrl+I ............ Insert a cartridge.
Ctrl+Shift+I ...... Insert a cartridge, no autorun.
Ctrl+J ............ Cycle through joystick emulation modes (None, Left, Right).
Ctrl+K ............ Toggle between Dragon and CoCo keyboard layout.
Ctrl+L ............ Load a file (see below).
Ctrl+M ............ Toggle between Dragon and CoCo emulation (resets machine).
Ctrl+R ............ Soft reset.
Ctrl+Shift+R ...... Hard reset.
Ctrl+S ............ Save a snapshot.
Ctrl+W ............ Attach a virtual cassette file for writing.
Ctrl+Z ............ Enable keyboard translation mode (see below).

This is a complete list of all keys:

Code: Select all

Ctrl+[1-4] ........ Insert a virtual disk into drive 1-4.
Ctrl+Shift+[1-4] .. Insert a blank virtual disk (40TSS) into drive 1-4.
Ctrl+[5-8] ........ Toggle write protect on disk in drive 1-4.
Ctrl+Shift+[5-8] .. Toggle write protect on file for disk in drive 1-4.
Ctrl+A ............ Cycle through artifacted video modes (hi-res only).
Ctrl+B ............ Load CoCo ".bin" binary file.
Ctrl+C ............ Quit emulator.
Ctrl+E ............ Toggle DOS emulation on/off - reset to take effect.
Ctrl+F ............ Toggle normal/full screen mode.
Ctrl+H ............ Load ".hex" Intel HEX-record.
Ctrl+I ............ Insert a cartridge.
Ctrl+Shift+I ...... Insert a cartridge, no autorun.
Ctrl+J ............ Cycle through joystick emulation modes (None, Left, Right).
Ctrl+K ............ Toggle between Dragon and CoCo keyboard layout.
Ctrl+L ............ Load a file (see below).
Ctrl+M ............ Toggle between Dragon and CoCo emulation (resets machine).
Ctrl+R ............ Soft reset.
Ctrl+Shift+R ...... Hard reset.
Ctrl+S ............ Save a snapshot.
Ctrl+T ............ Insert ".cas" virtual cassette.
Ctrl+Shift+T ...... Insert virtual cassette and autoload first program.
Ctrl+W ............ Attach a virtual cassette file for writing.
Ctrl+V ............ Toggles tracing. (Special function - Not available under distributed builds)
Ctrl+Z ............ Enable keyboard translation mode (see below).
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Post by zephyr »

The command-line help has never worked under the Windows build. Could you please list all of the 'MODULE' options for the following command-line switches?

Code: Select all

  -ui MODULE            specify user-interface module (-ui help for a list)
  -vo MODULE            specify video module (-vo help for a list)
  -ao MODULE            specify audio module (-ao help for a list)
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Post by Alastair »

You should add that pressing F12 speeds up the emulator.
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Post by zephyr »

@ sixxie

You didn't answer me question above. :( Your Tapemangle hack is very handy. Any chance you could add this as a command-line selectable feature to all future releases?
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Post by sixxie »

Sorry about that. As for help not working - is it dumping output to stdout.txt, or not working at all?

I think under Windows, you'll get all the video output modules: 'sdlgl' (OpenGL, hopefully accelerated), 'sdlyuv' (overlay support, usually accelerated under Linux, but don't know about Windows) and 'sdl' (basic unscalable mode, should always work). You'll definitely only have the 'sdl' audio module, as I don't understand DirectSound (Mac users get a native module), and 'sdl' is the only UI module any build has yet outside of the handheld platforms.

Command line tapemangle? Yes, maybe! It could be a fairly trivial addition if I included breakpoint support (with nice socket-based comms interface, maybe - REXX-stylee), but I've held back because such support would slow things down a fair bit (basically a test against list of breakpoints every emulated CPU cycle). I'll certainly give it a thought though. At the moment my crappy game is getting most of my attention (though I need to find someone that not only says they'll do some graphics for me, but actually does :) ).
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Post by zephyr »

Sorry about that. As for help not working - is it dumping output to stdout.txt, or not working at all?
Its dumping to stdout.txt. Thanks Ciaran! :D

This was the result from xroar '-co help':

Code: Select all

	sdlgl     SDL OpenGL
	sdlyuv    SDL YUV overlay, hopefully uses Xv acceleration
	sdl       Standard SDL surface
I'll certainly give it a thought though.
Please! 8-)
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