New user waving hello/ Co-Co compatability question

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Re: New user waving hello/ Co-Co compatability question

Post by drmarkb »

Having difficulty uploading the zip file.
I am clicking on upload attachment- it uploads up to 100%, and then resets to the blank post a reply screen. This happens if I click on submit or add file.
What am I doing wrong?
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Re: New user waving hello/ Co-Co compatability question

Post by zephyr »

Seems like your Zip file is too big. Try compressing the WAV file as two or more smaller Zip files, and upload them individually.

Another option would be to upload your original Zip file to and post the download link here.
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Re: New user waving hello/ Co-Co compatability question

Post by drmarkb »

Ok, uploaded it to sendspace.

It is a 7 minute wav, with two copies, plus jpeg images of the packaging.
It is not loaded with cloadm- a clear is required first- as per the inlay instructions.
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Re: New user waving hello/ Co-Co compatability question

Post by pser1 »

I downloaded the file and it really has a lot of noise.
I have opened the file with Audacity and applied normalisation.
After that it runs without problems in my real Dragon64
But I have not been able to load any of these versions (original, normalised) into XRoar
I have tried to reduce the noise using various effects in Audacity, but couldn't get the result I wanted.
Unless someone has got a tool that really can clean up this file, maybe you could try to record it again if you have a way to do it without that heavy noise
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Re: New user waving hello/ Co-Co compatability question

Post by sixxie »

You can get it to load in XRoar by opening the wav in audacity, splitting the stereo into mono tracks, ditching the empty one and re-exporting to wav.

CAS attached.

Thanks for this! I'm pretty sure this is the version I had - the archive copy must have had a Dragon-specific loader stuck in front of it.
(32.86 KiB) Downloaded 220 times
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Re: New user waving hello/ Co-Co compatability question

Post by drmarkb »

I will get round to doing crazy foota 3 and Super Nova as well, if the archive version of the latter is broken as suggested.

I will check the wavs to make sure they work on a real dragon, after that people can run them through Audacity to remove the noise as they wish- although I could clean them up myself, I am guessing people more familiar with both Audacity and XROAR know what XROAR will and won't tolerate.

I know my parents have a tape deck with a variety of output options, certainly better than capturing it via the headphone slot of a 1982 tape player. Sadly that machine is a few hundred miles away at the moment.

I will look at the archive index to see if I have anything that is missing. I have a lot of later dragon software that may be hard to find.
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Re: New user waving hello/ Co-Co compatability question

Post by drmarkb »

Unless I am being blind I could not see anything in the archive by Kouga, nor Orange's North Sea Action. So there are 3 more titles I can do when I get the time.
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Re: New user waving hello/ Co-Co compatability question

Post by robcfg »

Hi drmarkb,

You can take a look at the google doc sheet I made with the current preservation status of Dragon software here.

I still need to check the whole downloads section, but it may serve you as a guide.

You can also edit it to signal new additions.

Any doubt, don't hesitate to ask!

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Re: New user waving hello/ Co-Co compatability question

Post by drmarkb »

Well I can see a number of yellow coded ones in the first column that have working on a real machine.
What does the yellow mean exactly?
Many of the yellow ones were titles I remember everyone seemed to have- lunar rover patrol, defense, downland, airball etc.

I am presuming green means its there, red it is not.

I have some of red ones- north sea action, rola ball, buzzard bait just glancing through the list.
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Re: New user waving hello/ Co-Co compatability question

Post by robcfg »

Green means verified dump from original source. Yellow means incomplete, underdumped or otherwise dumps from unknown origin. Red means no dump.

The second column is for the scans and screenshots status. Green means that the package and related items are 300dpi scanned, and that screenshots of the software are also present. Yellow means that some stuff is missing, and Red that none is present.

The last column is for checking if the wiki page exists or not. Usually is either Green or Red (page exists or not), but Yellow should be used for existant but incomplete pages.

I also have Buzzard Bait, but if no emulation of the dongle exists the dump will be correct but unusable.
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