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I need any Dragon text books

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:05 am
by Cloete
Hi everyone.
After 27 years, I got the love of my life back - a Dragon 32! (Thanks to Collin in Surrey).
I need Dragon text books - and if possible - for free.
My sister lives in London and flies every 6 weeks to South Africa. That's how I got the Dragon. It's a complete set (joysticks, manual, etc).....but...
I need books, books, books!!!Any books out there, collecting dust?
Can some one please refer me?
Thank you - I hope to hear from some one soon.
Cloete van Wyk, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Re: I need any Dragon text books

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:07 pm
by Sarah
Hi Cloete, you can find Inside The Dragon (one of the very best books about the beast) here: ... Dragon.pdf

There are also various Dragon Data Ltd publications here: ... r=Manuals/

Hope this helps!

Re: I need any Dragon text books

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:22 pm
by Cloete
Thanks a lot Sarah! This is an excellent start. By coincedence (?) I read this book's review yesterday in Dragon User (April 1985 edition, I think) and they were very impressed with this book. :D
TO ALL OTHER DRAGON MEMEBRS: Please please, I need reading material - let me know if you have any books or suggestions.
I also need to know if there are any South African Dragon members? I would appreciate to hear from you as well.
Cloete van Wyk - Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa - mobile / cell 071-221-4647 (in R.S.A.)

Re: I need any Dragon text books

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:57 pm
by snarkhunter
Hello, and welcome!

I'd tend to consider "Inside The Dragon" as one of the best available books about the machine. But it basically depends on what you intend to do with it.

I'm not sure it is in the archive already, but I've also found one on my computer, the title of which is "The Dragon 32 / Dragon Companion", by one M. Jarvis. Based on the table of content, it seems to deal with some advanced features, too.

There is also "Dragon machine language for the absolute beginner" (John Vander Reyden).
And, of course, the official manuals from Dragon Data Ltd (Dragon32, then DOS).

I may offer those as ".pdf" files, but their fairly large size will not make it possible to mail them. I may still upload them somewhere if required.

And the complete series of "Firmware" articles by Brian Cadge (in DU) is kind of an absolute must-read as well.

Re: I need any Dragon text books

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:50 pm
by Cloete
Hallo snarkhunter,

Thanks for the info. I have those two machine code books in pdf - thanks.
Ok..... I am totally new at this so bear with me if I am missing the ball here.

I am interested in "The Dragon 32 / Dragon Companion", by one M. Jarvis.

How can you help me? You can email it to me, or is it too big?
I don't know how the "upload procedure" works (if that is the best way to go about it), but tell me how and where and I'll try and figure it out.

Also the complete series of "Firmware" articles by Brian Cadge (in DU) - I want it - do YOU have it? What does (in DU) mean?

If some the above-mentioned items of interest are transferrable via email, you can send it to or to

Otherwise please tell me what I need to do next to get that Dragon literature...
Thanks for your time.

Re: I need any Dragon text books

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:12 pm
by zephyr
Cloete wrote:How can you help me? You can email it to me, or is it too big?
I don't know how the "upload procedure" works (if that is the best way to go about it), but tell me how and where and I'll try and figure it out.
You could use one of the free file hosting sites such as DivShare , Sendspace etc.
Cloete wrote:What does (in DU) mean?
DU = Dragon User magazine. The "Firmware" articles by Brian Cadge are in DU issues Sept 1985 to April 1986.

Re: I need any Dragon text books

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:50 pm
by Alastair
You can find PDFs of Dragon User within this site's downloads section, specifically under the directory of ... on%20User/

Re: I need any Dragon text books

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 12:00 pm
by snarkhunter
As far as the "Firmware" series of articles is concerned, you do not need to download the full set of "Dragon User" issues (welll... actually, you do! But for a number of other reasons...) just in order to get them. I should already have these documents extracted from the "DU" issues. So I will check this later today and will try to provide you with the set - or with whatever I already have that might be of interest to you.

Kind regards,

Re: I need any Dragon text books

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 7:09 pm
by snarkhunter
Hello again,

As promised earlier today, a copy of the "Dragon Companion" book in ".pdf" format has just been mailed to you, i.e. split using "TheFileSplitter" as 3 parts (+ the executable to assemble those again).

Unfortunately, after checking my own archives, it looks like I do not have the "Firmware" articles. Sorry about this, really! But you may easily get them by downloading the proper issues of "Dragon User" (cf previous posts in this thread) from the online archive. This series was only one page in each issue.

Re: I need any Dragon text books

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 4:22 pm
by Rink
Hi Snark/Cloete

Any chance you can email me that Dragon Companion book also? The chapter on extending BASIC could really help me out. You can reach me at rink DOT wraith @ if that would be convenient.

Many thanks,