Perilous Pit .cas file problems?

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Perilous Pit .cas file problems?

Post by samplefiend »

Hi again everyone,

I've been trying to get Perilous Pit to run in both X-Roar and T-3 emulators but am having trouble with the file not loading at all. I tried puting it through CASFIX and that version tries to load and draws the loading screen etc but seems to hang and not finish loading the game. Probably yet another error on my part so I'll be very happy if someone can let me know what I might be doing wrong!

Sorry for hogging the forum with more questions ...

Thanks again

Craig xxx
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Re: Perilous Pit .cas file problems?

Post by sixxie »

Even manually editing the CAS and replacing the last block (which looks corrupt) with a standard EOF block, I only get the same results as you: suspect it's a bad dump!
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Re: Perilous Pit .cas file problems?

Post by samplefiend »

ah, thanks sixxie!

you've put my mind at rest. at least i can stop fiddling with it now as for once it's not me making a silly mistake. :-)

back to ebay to look for an original cassette i guess ...

hope you have a great weekend,

craig xxx
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Re: Perilous Pit .cas file problems?

Post by admin »

Looking at it now.....

I don't have an alternative dump to offer so am trying to work out why it hangs......

Tape Content is
Found 4 files
FileName ID ASCII Gap Load Exec Len
PERILPIT 02:Machine code 00:Binary 00:Ungapped 0100 0302 5EBB
00:Basic program 00:Binary 00:Ungapped 0100 0302 5BBB
32 ROOLS 02:Machine code 00:Binary 00:Ungapped 0A69 0DE3 5B96
EUROHARD 02:Machine code 00:Binary 00:Ungapped 223A 6C75 4DB2

Which equates to
Loading Screen

Loader is a very simple SCREEN1,1:CLOADM:CLOADM:EXEC program......but it looks like a bad dump as "EUROHARD" never reaches EOF.

So.....Over to anybody who has a copy of this game to attempt a re-dump.
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Re: Perilous Pit .cas file problems?

Post by admin »

Have found another dump of this game....looks more promising....loading now..
Simon Hardy
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Re: Perilous Pit .cas file problems?

Post by admin »

Sorry guys...has the same problem.....
Simon Hardy
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Re: Perilous Pit .cas file problems?

Post by chrispoacher »

Hi guys,

This game DOES works for me, but you MUST REMOVE ANY DOS ROM's and run as a basic D32, same with the majority of Blaby games and also Incentive games too. [back track, eddie steady go, moon cresta]

hope this helps. if not I have a copy on cas file, audio [zipped] or minidisc I can share.

Chris Poacher
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Re: Perilous Pit .cas file problems?

Post by samplefiend »

hi chris,

glad to know that it can work on a real D32! it was one of my fave games back in the day.

i'll try running perilous pit without the dos rom but if you can post a new file from your cassette then that would be superb mate. do you know if this fixes the problem with running Pedro too?

many thanks

craig xxx
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Re: Perilous Pit .cas file problems?

Post by snarkhunter »

Hello all,

My own tape dump of "Perilous Pit" has the same problem (crashes while loading).
But I do have a working version (protection removed) of "Pedro" that seems to be working fine : you'll find it on my "ARCAD09A.vdk" file.

In case you cannot run it from a virtual disk, just let me know and I will gladly convert it to a ".cas" file for you.

Kind regards,
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Re: Perilous Pit .cas file problems?

Post by zephyr »

Attached is my own slightly modified DragonDOS compatible version of PEDRO.


EDIT: Attachment removed.
Last edited by zephyr on Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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