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Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:40 am
by Vato
Does anyone know if the "Official Zaxxon"-game, made by Steve Bjork for the CoCo was ever converted to Dragon format?


Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:01 pm
by snarkhunter
Vato wrote:Hi,
Does anyone know if the "Official Zaxxon"-game, made by Steve Bjork for the CoCo was ever converted to Dragon format?
Couldn't tell for sure, but I used to have a conversion of this game running on my Dragon, though it could just have been the Co-Co version. If I remember well, it should be on one of my converted ".VDK" disks ("ARCADxyS")...

I will try to check which version it actually is, and will post again then. If you're at all interested, uploading it will not take long afterwards.

Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 2:17 pm
by admin

Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:51 pm
by snarkhunter
Yes, that's the one!
Please note that, in order to run this game, you need to:
- Open the proper ".VDK" file first (cf above),
- Then load the game (i.e. LOAD "ZAXXON.BIN")
- Then EXEC15520 (... I saved you the trouble of finding the proper EXEC vector!)

It's only in B&W, but I don't know whether or not there ever was any colour option available for this game. And this is indeed the Steve Bjork version, running without any trouble on the Dragon.

Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:59 am
by Vato
Thanks, I'll try that ;-)

But, correct me if I'm wrong, it was never officially released for the Dragon?
If that's so, isn't that strange?


Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:35 pm
by snarkhunter
No, I don't think there ever was any official Dragon release for this game. But this is not too surprising either : you'd be amazed at the number of games that were available in the USA for the Co-Co, but that never made it to Europe.

Just think that Microdeal released only part of the famous "Tom Mix" range in the UK, for instance...

When I purchased my second hand Dragon disk drive (may well have been in 1985/86), it came from the former owner with a fairly large collection of home-made disks, generally compiled from unknown sources, but all containing plenty of games that I had never heard about. I assume most were Co-Co games coming straight from the USA. These were mainly arcade and adventure games, and some definitely worth giving a try.


Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:01 pm
by Alastair
snarkhunter wrote:No, I don't think there ever was any official Dragon release for this game. But this is not too surprising either : you'd be amazed at the number of games that were available in the USA for the Co-Co, but that never made it to Europe.

They never released Outhouse over here did they? When I first read about it in Bob Liddil's column I wasn't certain if the game really existed, but for some reason the game stuck in my mind. Now, thanks to the internet I can see that Mr. Liddil was not hallucinating. (See )


Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:24 am
by zephyr
Here's the cassette version...

Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:50 am
by snarkhunter
It's also available on one of my "Arcade" disks. Can't tell which one, though, but this should be easy to find out.

Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:53 pm
by Alastair
zephyr wrote:Here's the cassette version...
Thanks, though I downloaded it a few years back. I was just making the point that Bob Liddil's column in Dragon User talked about many of the games that were available for the CoCo in the USA, many of which were never converted to the Dragon and sold over here. Also, of all the titles mentioned only one stuck in my mind, which probably reveals something about me that would give psychiatrists a field day!