XRoar Paste feature

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XRoar Paste feature

Post by wayland »

When trying out a Dragon program someone posted on their website I copied the text and then tried to paste it into an XRoar Dragon 32 screen. I was hoping it would just go in as if I was typing it but alas it does not.
I found a quick solution that's not quite so obvious. I pasted the text into a text editor on my PC and saved it as a example.bas
Then from the command prompt I typed;

Code: Select all

xroar -run ./example.bas
which auto runs the program which is nice.

Or I can just load it in as if I was typing it in;

Code: Select all

xroar -load-text ./example.bas
then LIST or RUN or EDIT perhaps

It would be cool if Paste worked and it would even be quite handy if the XRoar file menu allowed -load-text. Currently it only mounts a tape file.

I must complement the comprehensive command line options because that allows the creation desktop and menu shortcuts on the PC so that the Dragon 32 and CoCo3 programs I use become 'Apps'. There was a certain skill set I had when my Dragon was always on my desk. I could boot up and immediately write a little bit of code to try something. Things have moved on but having XRoar two clicks away makes it practical to use those old skills.
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Re: XRoar Paste feature

Post by sixxie »

Middle-button paste is actually implemented in the latest snapshot build

Edit: middle button is the typical approach to pasting in X, so that's the only way I've implemented it so far. If you have a middle button, that is (sorry again, mac users)
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Re: XRoar Paste feature

Post by wayland »

Let's not be mean to Mac users it's an immutable characteristic.
I tried the middle finger on my XRoar and it's not implemented. I'll wait until it rolls out to general release.
However an actual EDIT menu typical of Windows and Linux programs would suit me. I don't know how XRoar is constructed but it should be possible to read characters off the Dragon screen into the clip board and pasted characters to the Dragon via the keyboard.

I know my vastly more powerful PC could do anything a Dragon can do vastly better but this is a strange world of nostalgia and ancient skills. I'm using XRoar just to knock up little BASIC programs to try something and then throw away. A bit like a scientific calculator.

A sneaky thing occurred to me. How about a Turbo POKE? Shift F12 put's it into Turbo Mode, to use '80's slang. How about a POKE in basic that can do that? It would do nothing on real hardware but on XRoar it could speed through the boring bits like loading and go at normal speed for main program. All under software control from within the program.
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